Main News Press Releases Energy workers of the DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids install new platforms for stork nests

Energy workers of the DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids install new platforms for stork nests

Despite the war, energy workers of the DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids continue to care about preservation of biodiversity. In 2025, they have already installed three protective platforms for storks in Brovary and Fastiv districts. This way the company ensures its environmental compliance with the UN Global Compact.
Energy workers of the DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids install new platforms for stork nests

The installed platforms will help protect the stork home from potential slipping on the wires and, thus, from possible electrocution of birds and emergencies on the grids. The works are usually carried out in the early spring, before the return of the storks, and in autumn, after they fly away to their wintering grounds. Overall, energy workers plan to install 20 nests this year. 

“The storks often build nests on the poles, which may be dangerous both for the birds, and for the local residents due to possible emergencies. To avoid this, energy workers reinforce platforms annually. In the Kyiv region, there are more than 300 requests from local residents for nests relocation, registered by the energy workers during inspection of the grids. Stork nests are relocated only upon specific conditions. Energy workers install the platforms only where there is a nest, as the birds themselves choose the place for their home. Relocation is possible only on the poles of DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids power lines. Energy workers are working to fabricate and install them, but their primary focus is on emergency repairs and restoration of power supply after bad weather, shelling or technological violations,”noted Vitalii Shaida, CEO at DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids. 

Energy workers of the DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids install new platforms for stork nests

Installing newsafehome for storks on the pole is a lengthy process that starts with the stage of steel platform fabrication. Such a structure is needed to lift the nest above the wires, thus, reducing the risk of electrocution. The process includes several stages: 
1. Inspection of lines. Energy workers inspect power lines, detecting damages and places, where the storks built their nests. If the nest is located too close to the wires or is in the emergency condition, it is included in the list of scheduled activities. Often, local residents inform about such places. Then the specialists install the platforms on the most problematic poles. 
2. Fabrication of the platform. A steel structure is welded as per the special drawing to make it sturdy and attach it to the pole securely. Installation of such platforms began in 2020, and by now 169 structures have been installed in the Kyiv region.
Installation of the platform. First, the line is de-energized. Then, electricians use special machinery to carefully remove the nest, install the platform and return the nest to its place. And only after completion of all works, they restore power supply on the line. 

Protection of stork nests is carried out within the framework of the environmental and educational initiative #EnergyWings, directed at preservation of the white stork population in Ukraine. This initiative complies with ESG principles and supports UN Global Compact Sustainable Development Goal No. 15 – “Preservation of terrestrial ecosystems”.