Minimizing effect on the environment: how DTEK Odesa Grids introduces ESG principles

DTEK Odesa Grids introduces environmental initiatives, which correspond to the UN sustainable development goals and ESG principles. International standard ISO 14001 is in force at the enterprise, ensuring systematic approach to arrangement of business processes while meeting the principles of environmental safety.
In 2024, within the framework of improving energy efficiency, energy workers replaced 1,538 old lamps in the DTEK Odesa Grids premises with the modern LED ones. Additionally, 8 helium accumulator batteries that do not require maintenance were installed at the enterprise.
Due to the principles of circular economy, DTEK Odesa Grids reduces the volume of industrial waste. In 2024, the company handed over 317 tons of scrap metal and almost 17 tons of tires to the recycling enterprises, thus reducing the environmental footprint of the enterprise.
Implementation of the environmental and educational project #EnergyWings, directed at preservation of white stork as an important part of the Ukrainian ecosystem, is ongoing. In 2024, within the framework of the project, DTEK Odesa Grids installed 25 platforms for stork nests. Additionally, the company took part in the international project of the Polish Ornithological Society “Małopolskiego Towarzystwa Ornitologicznego” on ringing of nestlings. It helps ornithologists study migration and behavior of storks, while ensuring their protection. In 2024, 50 nestlings were ringed in the Odesa region.
The company also introduced the environmentally safe system of waste sorting with further handover to the recycling enterprises. In 2024, 58 new containers for sorting of secondary raw materials were installed at the industrial sites of DTEK Odesa Grids.
Employees of the DTEK Odesa Grids are actively engaged in the environmental initiatives. In 2024, within the framework of the “Precious Plastic” project, over 150 kg of plastic were handed over to be further used for manufacturing of benches, chairs, accessories, etc.
In 2025, DTEK Odesa Grids will continue implementing environmental initiatives, reducing effect on environment and introducing even more solutions for sustainable development.