Main News Press Releases Opportunities for Ukrainian youth during the war: 10 students became participants of the DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids “Dual education” project

Opportunities for Ukrainian youth during the war: 10 students became participants of the DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids “Dual education” project

Thermal power generation16 November 2023
In 2023, another 10 students from 4 Ukrainian specialized higher educational institutions joined DTEK Kyiv Reginal Grids “Dual education” project. During the year, they will be obtaining theoretical knowledge in their educational institutions and, in parallel, undergo internship at the enterprise. The company will employ all students for the duration of internship and will pay salary, as well as provide full social package. After completing their studies, the youth will have an opportunity to get a permanent job in the company.
Opportunities for Ukrainian youth during the war: 10 students became participants of the DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids “Dual education” project

“Dual education” project is designed for students of 4 or 6 years of study in the specialized higher educational institutions, studying in the specialty “Energy Industry”. Participants of the project study under the special system, where 40% of time is allocated to the university-based study, and 60% - to the internship in real production conditions. The project provides students with an opportunity to simultaneously study and work in their specialty, which is a significant support for the youth in modern conditions of martial law in the country. 

“People are the main resource and competitive value of the company. DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids supports its employees, helps them reveal their potential and fulfil themselves in their profession, and it also helps talented youth that only plan to become energy workers. Our “Dual education” project is precisely about the students’ employment prospects, — told Vitalii Shaida, CEO at DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids. – We have been implementing it since 2020 in partnership with specialized educational institutions. 67 students completed their internship over that time. 44 of them got a job in our company. Despite the war, we did not suspend the project, on the contrary: we continue to support the youth. In the new academic year, we cooperate with 4 specialized universities and we took 10 students into the project.” 

Participants of the “Dual education” project are officially employed during internship and get all social guarantees. Each of them signs a tripartite agreement for dual education, and fixed-term employment contract. In order to participate in the “Dual education” project, a student should be studying in a specialty related to power engineering, attending 4th or 6th year of study at one of the educational institutions that concluded an agreement with DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids. Then, all he has to do is fill in the form and qualify. A professional mentor is assigned to each student, who guides him at all stages of the practical part of the studies. 

“In the higher educational institutions, students are taught theoretical knowledge, while we show peculiarities of work using our power facilities as an example. This is the main advantage of the on-the-job training: consolidation of acquired knowledge in practice. After studying and participating in the “Dual education” project, the youth know equipment and safe work rules, understand current energy industry situation and have no difficulties with employment,” – told Andrii Yarzhemskyi, head of the OCC Kyiv, mentor of dual students

The company is interested in professional training of future energy workers, who will replace the specialists that are currently guarding the energy front. As it will be required to not only restore what was destroyed by the enemy, but to also create a new energy infrastructure – a foundation for recovery of Ukraine and economy. Therefore, business works on the principles of equality, sustainable development and establishment of barrier-free conditions for the study of future energy workers. 

“I have learned about dual education when representatives of the company came to our educational institution and told about an opportunity to study and work. I have now completed my studies and became part of the DTEK team on a permanent basis. This project provides not only a great chance to gain valuable experience, but also an opportunity to build your own career, — underscored Vladyslav Lebid, automation engineer at DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids, graduate of the “Dual education” project. — Since the beginning of a full-scale war, I became even more proud of my profession. As a lot depends on energy workers today: both development of the country and normal life of Ukrainians in these difficult conditions. And I am glad to be a part of the team making every effort for this.” 

DTEK is a signee of the UN Global Compact and “Dual education” project directly complies with this document’s goals. In particular, goal No.4, which provides an opportunity for everyone to get a quality education. And goal No.8, which declares economic growth and the right to a decent salary. Such programs support talented Ukrainian youth, especially now. Additionally, they are aimed at not only restorations after hostilities, but also at a long-term perspective and development of Ukraine. DTEK Grids, which includes DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids, is a member of “Business without barriers” community and “Dual education” project is among the best cases at the state portal for entrepreneurs “Diia.Business”. The project is recognized as a successful example of creating opportunities for study and employment for Ukrainian youth during the full-scale war.