Main News Press Releases 23 dual students got a job in DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids

23 dual students got a job in DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids

Thermal power generation03 August 2022
DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids has employed 23 students from 5 higher educational institutions, who have been studying under dual program in 2021/22 academic year. The youth will take the jobs of dispatchers and electricians, receive stable salary and social guarantees. In just two years of dual education project implementation DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids has employed 34 students.
23 dual students got a job in DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids

In 2022, despite difficult situation in the country, DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids continues to support talented youth. The company provides students with opportunities for vocational training, employment and decent salary in compliance with Sustainable Development Goal of the UN Global Compact No. 8 – “Decent work and economic development”.

During 2021/22 academic year, DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids has selected 36 students from five educational institutions to take the dual education program: SSU "Nemyshaiv professional college of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine", Tarashchansky Technical and Economic and Legal College, Kyiv Electromechanical Professional college, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine and National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute".

DTEK is a reliable and responsible company. Since 2020, DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids has launched a dual education project for students, who chose the profession of power engineer. We use this form of education to help students get practical skills and profession in the energy industry. Following the completion of training, everyone had an opportunity to receive an offer of permanent employment. Out of 36 dual students in 2021/2022 academic year, 23 students became employees of DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids,” – notes the company.

Dual students are studying under an individual program, 40% of which is theory, while 60% is practice directly at the enterprise. The company provides students with salary and full social package (medical insurance, vacation, sick leaves, etc.).

“I am grateful to DTEK for the opportunity to combine theory and practice, and to the specialists, who gave us knowledge. Now, we will be able to use it in the field of electrical power. During study, my fellow students and I studied maps of the areas and structures, specific features and operation of the relay protection and automation. We formed a view and knowledge base of how it works at the level of distribution grids. It is very useful, I plan to connect my life to the electrical power industry,” – told Anton, dispatcher at DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids, former dual student, graduate of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.

For the period of study, all students sign a three-way contracts for dual education, as well as fixed-term employment contracts. They get official monthly salary and they are entitled to a social package for the employees of the company.