Main News Press Releases 40,000 documents online: DTEK Grids received an award from “Vchasno” for digitalization

40,000 documents online: DTEK Grids received an award from “Vchasno” for digitalization

DTEK Grids has won the “Digitalization Driver” award from the service of digital solutions for business “Vchasno” for introduction of electronic document management by its distribution system operators. This way the company celebrates leaders of the Ukrainian market that automate their processes. Over the past year, DTEK Grids DSO issued and signed over 40,000 documents online. This complies with the ESG strategy of the company (Environmental, Social, Governance) and UN Global Compact Sustainable Development Goals.
40,000 documents online: DTEK Grids received an award from “Vchasno” for digitalization

DTEK Grids DSO started introducing electronic document management in July 2022. Work with more than half of all primary and contractual documents at the enterprises is now done online. This covers both document management within the company and cooperation with external contractors.

“Thanks to the project, we managed to reduce paperwork, approval and signing of documents is now carried out anytime anywhere, improved interaction with customers, eliminated risks of documents loss, as the documents are now stored in the electronic form. We calculated that this resulted in reduction of expenses on copy printing and stationary by 30%, and on post and courier services – by 50%. And this is not the end – we plan to make all our document flow digital, thus making us more efficient,” – commented Marharyta Zhukova, head of the operating technologies department at DTEK Grids, during her speech at the “Vchasno.Best Unbreakable” conference.

Due to the integration of the “Vchasno” service into DTEK Grids DSO, the employees are now able to quickly and conveniently approve, sign, share documentation with internal and external contractors. Sending and receiving agreements, acts or invoices takes a matter of seconds, while signing – several minutes thanks to the electronic digital signature (EDS).

“Vchasno” provides Ukrainian businesses with services of electronic documents instant exchange. This year, it arranged its first award to celebrate those who, no matter what, actively implement digital services and become an example for the entire market. Just 12 leaders-winners were selected among 300 cases.