Andrii Tereshchuk: one third of the region's people will have smart meters by the end of the year

On August 26, the General Director of the company held a live Facebook stream under the #AskAboutLight (#SpitayProSvitlo) project, during which experts from the energy industry answer questions from residents. During the stream, Andrii Tereshchuk explained how the lists for day/night meters are formed and if there is a chance to get it for free soon.
“DTEK Dnipro Grids is installing smart meters as part of our annual investment program. First, we install them in houses with obsolete devices and low metering accuracy. Lists are formed and approved at the beginning of the year. You can find them on our website. In total, we will install 67,000 smart meters this year, which is almost twice as many as last year. We will allocate more than UAH 148 million for this. By the end of 2021, 27% of the company's customers will use smart meters. And in 9 years, all 100% of customers will get new smart meters at no cost,” says Andrii Tereshchuk.
He also talked about the company's projects, which will significantly reduce the number of power outages and the time for their restoration. Thus, the company continues to upgrade the networks, the purpose of which is to modernize the networks and power equipment in the Dnipropetrovsk region in accordance with the needs of its residents. In general, 249 km of power lines will be renewed for a total cost of almost UAH 466 million. Also, two large substations in Manganets and Dnipro are being reconstructed, which will provide reliable power supply to more than 35,000 residents of Manganets and neighboring districts, as well as large industrial enterprises in the region. The amount that the company invests in construction projects or complete replacement of power equipment has increased by 34% compared to 2020, that is from UAH 753 million to UAH 1 billion.
During the live stream, Andrii Tereshchuk also answered questions from residents of the region regarding the areas of responsibility between the Distribution System Operator and service providers, problems with power outages and what to do in cases of power surges. See the full recording of the #AskAboutLight stream here.