Main News Press Releases Big Network Renovation: high-voltage lines to be reconstructed in Dnipro for 106,000 customers of the city

Big Network Renovation: high-voltage lines to be reconstructed in Dnipro for 106,000 customers of the city

Thermal power generation27 August 2021
DTEK Dnipro Grids is reconstructing two powerful high-voltage lines of 150 kV in Dnipro. After their commissioning, more than 106,000 customers will have more reliable power supply. Such a large-scale project became possible thanks to the investment incentive RAB tariffs introduced in 2021. They allowed the company to increase its investment program by 34% compared to 2020. These funds are earmarked to upgrade and develop the energy infrastructure across the Dnipropetrovsk region depending on the needs of people.
Big Network Renovation: high-voltage lines to be reconstructed in Dnipro for 106,000 customers of the city

150 kV overhead lines between the substations "Uzlovaya" and the Pridneprovskaya thermal plants are backbone in the overall structure of the Dnipro power supply. They provide power supply to 633 6-10 kV transformer substations and supply Gagarina Avenue, Substation, Sokol, Topol, and Nagornaya part of the city. Among consumers are the regional children's hospital, hypermarkets, schools and preschools, household, and business customers. The lines were built in 1955 and will now be completely renovated.

“The national program named Big Construction continues in the Big Network Renovation in the energy sector. Thanks to the investment incentive RAB tariff adopted in 2021, investments in Ukrainian power grids have increased significantly. It is now possible to upgrade the energy infrastructure that have been waiting for 30 years. This year DTEK Dnipro Grids plans to launch 150 kV lines Uzlovaya - Prydneprovskaya Thermal Plant. The total cost of the project will be UAH 43 million. Thanks to the reconstruction of the substation, over 106,000 customers will receive a more reliable power supply. Among them are residents of Dnipro, medical and educational institutions, and industrial customers,” says Andrii Tereshchuk, Director General at DTEK Dnipro Grids.

The reconstruction began in March. The works are carried out simultaneously on the right and left banks of the Dnieper. Now almost 8 km of air lines have already been replaced, which is 50% of the planned. Reconstruction is carried out according to European technologies. For the first time they will test a new type of wire for the Dnipropetrovsk region, AERO-Z, which is more resistant to temperature extremes and frost. The wire has a special configuration that excludes the adhesion of snow and the formation of ice, which often leads to accidents and breaks on the lines.

Also, they use special anti-vandal electrical poles, so called multifaceted racks, for the first time. They take up less space and are more aesthetic than conventional metal poles. They also do not have a metal mesh in the structure, so they will be of little interest to metal seekers. Two racks with a height of about 30 meters are now being installed around the Pridneprovskaya Thermal Power Plant. In total, there will be 5 such modern structures and 11 more conventional galvanized electrical poles (7 of them have already been installed). All work is scheduled to be completed in November.

“Dnipro is actively developing and requires new electric power. Old networks cannot withstand the increase in load. And it is obvious that it was impossible to remedy the situation without major infrastructure projects. The line reconstruction is part of the “Big Network Renovation”, which is currently being implemented by DTEK Dnipro Grids. I am sure that as a result, Dnipro residents will receive more reliable power supply. In addition, there will be a capacity reserve for the further development of the city and the region,” says Maxim Bespalchuk, Deputy Chairman of the Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration.

In addition to this facility, by the end of the year the company will launch two large 150 kV substations - Grushevskaya in Manganets and KL in Dnipro. As a result, more than 35,000 residents of Manganets and neighboring districts, as well as large industrial enterprises of the region, will receive more reliable power supply. The stimulating investment RAB tariff, which was introduced in the country in 2021, helped to attract investments in the Big Network Renovation. In total, this year the company is investing more than UAH 1 billion in the development of networks. This is 34% more than in 2020.