Main News Press Releases There are 4 online services that help customers of DTEK Odessa Grids submit meter readings in a fast and convenient manner

There are 4 online services that help customers of DTEK Odessa Grids submit meter readings in a fast and convenient manner

Meter readings submission period is approaching. There are 4 user-friendly online services functioning in DTEK Odessa Grids that can help customers quickly submit readings from their homes. Every service operates 24/7, it is simple and user-friendly.
There are 4 online services that help customers of DTEK Odessa Grids submit meter readings in a fast and convenient manner

Meter readings are to be submitted during the period from 30 day of the current month to 3 day of the next one. There are remote channels and online services functioning in DTEK Odessa Grids that enable all customers to timely and conveniently submit readings.

“DTEK hears and understands customer needs. The company has remote services that help customers quickly and easily submit meter readings. It is no longer required to go to the service center, waste time on the road and in the queue, as DTEK provides more and more services online, thus allowing self-service in a convenient format using smartphone, tablet, PC or notebook. It is really simple, fast and easy,” – underscored the company.

The following services are available in DTEK Odessa Grids for submission of meter readings:

1) Viber and Telegram chatbot

2) IVR menu of the call center by pressing 2:

- for stationary phones (048) 705 90 90

- for mobile phones (068) 750 90 90, (095) 750 90 90, (073) 750 90 90

3) special form at the DTEK Odessa Grids website

4) user account at the DTEK Odessa Grids website

In May, out of 553,000 customers that have submitted meter readings 371,000 did it using remote channels and online services.

After submission of the meter readings, Distribution System Operator registers volumes of the consumed electricity, while the supplier uses this data to generate bills. If the customer failed to timely submit information, then he is billed based on the forecasted (average daily) rather than actual consumption volume. The customer can submit readings during the billing period next month and Distribution System Operator will perform adjustment based on the volume of actually consumed electricity.

Timely registration and submission of meter readings will help accurately calculate amount of consumed electricity, while timely customer payment for provided services will ensure stable operation of DTEK Odessa Grids, and therefore – reliable and uninterrupted power supply in Odessa and Odessa region.

We are working 24/7 to ensure reliable power supply of buildings and enterprises.