Main News Press Releases In order to prevent power outages for customers, DTEK Odessa Grids will clear 1,500 km of distribution network routes

In order to prevent power outages for customers, DTEK Odessa Grids will clear 1,500 km of distribution network routes

DTEK Odessa Grids started cutting shrubs and tree branches along overhead power lines. By the end of April, the company plans to clear 182 km of routes, thus reducing risk of line breaks in the event of strong wind gusts. Simultaneously with these works, electricians will be fixing defects, detected on equipment, in order to prevent emergency power outages for customers. In 2022, the company plans to clear and troubleshoot equipment on 1,599 km of 0.4-6/10 kV overhead power line routes in Odessa region.
In order to prevent power outages for customers, DTEK Odessa Grids will clear 1,500 km of distribution network routes

Clearing routes from shrubs and branches of tall trees in the exclusion zone of overhead power lines or dangerously close to them is a prerequisite for ensuring reliable power supply. As strong wind gusts can make branches cause line short circuit, wire breaks and falling of poles, thus creating hazard for people and power outages.

“Clearing routes along overhead lines is imperative to prevent blackouts. If we do not cut trees and shrubs now, in spring, then in few weeks, when everything will begin to flourish, we physically will not have time to secure all lines from short circuit or even line breaks due to contact with branches, thus leading to blackouts for our customers. That is why we have conducted this activity every year and we must conduct it this year as well,” – tells representative of the company.

Additionally, Distribution System Operator underscores that power lines, broken by falling trees, pose a threat to people. Therefore, energy workers look after health and life of citizens.

In order to ensure safety of employees, cutting trees along the lines, the company will temporarily de-energize the grid as per schedules, approved by local communities and civil-military administration.

Information about power cutoff is available via convenient services:

  • Viber and Telegram chatbot. After completing quick registration, the customer will be automatically receiving notification about scheduled power cutoff. Here, you can also inform a Distribution System Operator about power outage in your home;
  • via IVR menu of the call center. Press 1 and wait for connection with the operator:
  • for stationary phones +38 (048) 705 90 90;
  • for mobile phones +38 (068) 750 90 90, +38 (095) 750 90 90, +38 (073) 750 90 90, 0 800 409 090;
  • a designated line for legal entities +38 (066) 750 90 90 (for quick identification and to search for information you should indicate a contract reference number);
  • legal entities can verify information via user account at the DTEK Odessa Grids website;

Please use official information channels only and stay calm. We are working 24/7 to ensure reliable power supply of houses and enterprises.