Main News Press Releases DTEK Donetsk Grids summarized repairs completed for 9 months in Mariupol

DTEK Donetsk Grids summarized repairs completed for 9 months in Mariupol

Thermal power generation28 October 2020
In nine months DTEK Donetsk Grids specialists have completed overhaul and maintenance of 32 transformer substations, 7 medium and low voltage overhead lines, and replaced more than 14 km of cables.
DTEK Donetsk Grids summarized repairs completed for 9 months in Mariupol

DTEK takes care of its customers. We are consistently improving the energy infrastructure of Mariupol. We are making it more reliable and modern,” says Oleksii Degtyarev, DTEK Donetsk Grids Director General.- For 9 months of this year, we have improved energy supply for more than 80 thousand city residents. We also ensured reliable power supply to 11 kindergartens, 17 schools, 5 hospitals, and a medical school."

The company replaced equipment of transformer substations with modern ones in the Central and Primorsky Districts, and thus ensured the power supply reliability to residents of Kharlampiivska, Fontanna, Mytropolyska, Hretska, Kuindzhi, Zakhidna, Suvorova, Demokratychna, Budivelnykiv ave, Hranitna Kuprina, Hrushevskoho streets. The power engineers also repaired and replaced the cable lines supplying multi-storey buildings on Blvd. Shevchenko in the Central District.

Due to the replacement of 14 km of overhead lines, power supply has become more reliable in the Kalmiusky District (Vodoprovidna, Vysokovoltna, Zuivska, Stantsiina, Semafornaia, and Udarna streets), and Levoberezhny District (Svobody ave.). The company also replaced defective poles with new ones, 49 new pieces in total.

By the end of 2020, DTEK Donetsk Grids will have the overhaul of equipment and maintenance of 20 transformer substations, 11 underground cable lines completed in all four districts of Mariupol.