Main News Press Releases DTEK Donetsk Grids offers effective interaction to owners of transit subscriber networks to improve the power supply reliability

DTEK Donetsk Grids offers effective interaction to owners of transit subscriber networks to improve the power supply reliability

DTEK Donetsk Grids offers new formats of interaction to the owners of electrical equipment in respect of transferring the transit subscriber networks to DSO management, to which other customers are connected. This is a necessary step to improve the power supply reliability, which will solve the problem of long interruptions in the electricity supply to customers due to failures of subscriber equipment.

DTEK Donetsk Grids cares about its customers and the reliability of power supply. Therefore, he turns to customers-owners of transit subscriber networks with an offer to sell or conclude an agreement for the joint use of networks that are in their ownership.

Often, long-term power outages for customers occur due to failures of subscriber equipment. The distribution system operator is not allowed to carry out repairs or switching on customer networks during failures. At the same time, the network owners do not have the funds or expertise for high-quality maintenance or timely checks of their equipment. Because of this, damage occurs, leading to prolonged power outages for all customers who are connected to such equipment. In 2020 alone, 194 accidents occurred on subscriber networks.

To improve the quality of power supply for all customers, we offer the owners of transit subscriber networks, to which other customers are connected, 2 options for effective interaction with DSO:

  • Purchase of networks by DTEK Donetsk Grids and execution of a contract for operational or technical maintenance. Under the contract for operational and technical maintenance, DSO will gradually pay the customer a part of the cost of electrical installations for account of its maintenance work. This will already now reduce the risk of long-term emergency power outages for customers who are powered by such substations and lines. As a result, the distribution system operator becomes the owner of the transit equipment;
  • Execution of an agreement for the joint use of power equipment, under which the DSO will carry out operational repairs and switchings on subscribers' equipment and avoid long interruptions in power supply. In this case, the subscriber remains the owner of the networks. He is fully responsible for the technical condition of the equipment;

Both options reduce the financial and legal burden on the subscriber equipment owner, since he will not need to pay for overhaul and scheduled maintenances and maintain them in a technical condition that complies with regulatory documents. The company underlines that in case of improper condition of subscriber equipment and frequent emergency situations, all customers suffer. For example, electricity grids owned by customers make up about 7% of the entire energy infrastructure in the Donetsk region.

We would like to underline that DTEK Donetsk Grids offers the owners of transit subscriber networks only to buy or arrange a joint use agreement, since these networks supply not only the facilities of their owner, but also the homes of customers who have direct contracts with the distribution system operator. The technical condition of the transit network will be considered when considering the buying or executing a joint use agreement.

DTEK Donetsk Grids serves the interests of customers and offers effective interaction to ensure that the quality and reliability of power supply meets the needs of customers.

Please contact the call center of the company by +38 (096) 450 0 473; +38 (099) 450 0 473; (0629) 450 473 for more information.