Main News Press Releases DTEK Donetsk Grids returned service to 60 settlements in the region that lost power in storms

DTEK Donetsk Grids returned service to 60 settlements in the region that lost power in storms

Over the weekend on 3-4 July, DTEK Donetsk Grids returned power to 60 settlements that lost power in storms. The company restored 81 transmission lines, and 799 transformer substations. Now the energy workers are busy restoring power supply to 5 more settlements.
DTEK Donetsk Grids returned service to 60 settlements in the region that lost power in storms

DTEK Donetsk Grids are restoring power supply to the villages of Chervone, Portovske, Rybatske, Ohorodne, and Hluboke in the Mariupol area.

“DTEK serves the interests of Ukraine, takes care of its customers and does everything to ensure that their homes always have lights on and comfort. Over the weekend, we returned power to more than 63,000 of our customers. The power supply of some settlements had to be restored several times. More than 80 repair teams and 73 pieces of equipment were involved in the emergency recovery work. The company's energy workers are making every effort to restore the power supply to the affected areas as soon as possible,” says Oleksii Degtyarev, CEO of DTEK Donetsk Grids.

The northern and southern areas of the region – Kramatorsk, Pokrovsk, and Volnovakha Districts – witnessed the most outages. It was quite challenging to do the emergency recovery work because of thunderstorms, strong winds, and rainfalls.

Below DTEK Donetsk Grids gives some of the electrical safety rules:

  • In case of strong wind, you should not be near power lines;
  • Do not approach broken wires closer than 8-12 meters and in no case touch it;
  • If you see wires that have fallen to the ground, broken or sagging wires, open doors and hatches of electrical installations, as well as damaged poles, please, notify our call center at (0629) 450 473, (093/096/099) 4500473, or sent a message through our Facebook;

Information about outages can be checked using the DTEK Donetsk Grids chatbot on Viber or Telegram, as well as on the company's website in the section "Scheduled and Emergency Outages". If your address is there, meaning that our energy workers know about the power cut. If you could not find your address there, leave a message on the company's website in the same section, or call the call center at (0629) 450 473, (093/096/099) 4500473, or message DTEK Donetsk Grids via Facebook.

See our short video tutorial on how to find your address in the list of emergency/planned outages on the company's website.