Main News Press Releases DTEK Donetsk Grids returned power supply to residents of the front-line village of Opytne

DTEK Donetsk Grids returned power supply to residents of the front-line village of Opytne

DTEK Donetsk Grids has returned electricity to the rural settlement named Opytne. Due to the armed conflict, the inhabitants of the village have been living for more than six years without a permanent power supply. Thus, DTEK replaced a transformer substation, laid a new line, and wired the distribution network to the houses of residents.
DTEK Donetsk Grids returned power supply to residents of the front-line village of Opytne

The settlement of Opytne is located practically on the contact line. In 2014, the overhead line supplying the village was destroyed, as well as all electrical equipment, including the transformer substation. Due to regular fighting, it was impossible to restore the power line. The restoration work became possible thanks to the coordinated and precise actions of power engineers, Donetsk Regional State Administration, local administrations, deputies - everyone who was involved in the process.

The resumption of power supply in the front-line zone is a very complex process that requires a lot of coordination and coordination with the JCCC, State Emergency Service of Ukraine, Donetsk Regional State Administration and local administrations. We started work in Opytne as soon as we received the necessary permits and were confident in the safety of our employees,” says Oleksii Degtyarev, CEO of DTEK Donetsk Grids. - Now all the inhabitants of Opytne have electricity. For this, a transformer substation was replaced, including a new transformer was installed, more than 3 km of insulated wire was installed and led to the homes of residents, a new line was laid. Our energy workers worked seven days a week to complete the work as soon as possible."

DTEK Donetsk Grids serves the interests of Ukraine. We share the values of society and understand that the availability of a permanent and uninterrupted power supply is a key to the comfort of the region's residents. In 2020, DTEK Donetsk Grids restored electricity to residents of 42 frontline settlements, restored the operation of two high-voltage lines, 14 medium-low voltage lines and 126 transformer substations damaged because of shelling. In total, since the beginning of military operations in Donbass, the company has restored power supply at substations and power lines more than 16,000 times.

In 2021, DTEK Donetsk Grids will continue to restore power supply in the front-line territories, despite all the difficulties and restrictions.