Main News Press Releases DTEK Grids invites to online round-table on energy transition of Ukraine

DTEK Grids invites to online round-table on energy transition of Ukraine

Thermal power generation20 August 2021
DTEK Grids invites to the online round-table “DSOs on the path to the energy transition of Ukraine: new challenges, regulatory changes and investment opportunities” organised by DTEK Grids, with the support of E.DSO and Eurelectric on the 16th of September from 14:00 CET (15:00 EEST) – 15:45 CET (16:45 EEST).
DTEK Grids invites to online round-table on energy transition of Ukraine

In the last two years Ukraine has committed a substantial step towards the way to align its climate policy with the European Green Deal, where distribution power grids are a critical enabler of the energy transition. The round-table will gather energy industry leaders from Ukraine and representatives from the European Union to exchange their views regarding the changing roles of the DSOs on the way to the energy transition in Ukraine.  Particular focus will be devoted to future challenges and investment opportunities in electricity distribution sector.

Among speakers will be Fergal McNamara - Head of the Distribution & Market Facilitation Committee, Eurelectric; Roberto Zangrandi - Secretary General of E.DSO and Ivan Gelyukh – CEO, DTEK Grids.

During the event, for those requesting it, a simultaneous translation from English to Ukrainian will be provided.

Registration link.