Main News Press Releases DTEK Kyiv Region Grids inspected the power supply reliability in 36 healthcare facilities for COVID patients

DTEK Kyiv Region Grids inspected the power supply reliability in 36 healthcare facilities for COVID patients

Thermal power generation14 December 2020
DTEK Kyiv Region Grids checked the reliability of power supply for the second time since the pandemic restrictions started. The company examined the electrical equipment of hospitals, which provide treatment to COVID patients. It is vital to ensure that power supply to such facilities is stable and reliable.

DTEK is a reliable partner of our society. DTEK Kyiv Region Grids checked the power supply reliability to 36 hospitals across Kyiv Region for the second time. These hospitals are determined as the basic ones for the hospitalization of COVID patients.

“We all understand that the uninterrupted power supply to hospitals is our priority mission. And this is particularly vital for those hospitals admitting COVID patients.Following our inspections, we found 25 inconsistences on both external and internal networks. We have eliminated all of them. So now, all 36 healthcare facilities are in full compliance with the power reliability requirements”, - says Vitalii Shaida, DTEK Kyiv Region Grids CEO.

According to the head of the company, they examined the 0.4-10 kV electrical equipment, which directly feed the hospitals. In particular, the power engineers checked the integrity and condition of the electrical equipment. The company's specialists eliminated all the inconsistences of the power facilities operation. It should be noted that the power supply in hospitals depends not only on the good condition of external networks that are maintained by DTEK Kyiv Region Grids. The reliability is also impacted by the condition of the inner power equipment, and the healthcare facilities themselves hold responsibility for this aspect.

After these inspections, the company sent notices to local authorities and the healthcare facilities as to how to get ready for network emergencies, and how to bring them in full compliance with the regulatory documentations. Through our interaction, the hospitals will be 100% complied with the required degree of reliability.

Previously, DTEK Kyiv Region Grids checked the power supply reliability to hospitals in April to ensure its stable functioning in the context of pandemic.