Main News Press Releases DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids equips the regional electric network with advance devices to increase the reliability of customers' electricity supply

DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids equips the regional electric network with advance devices to increase the reliability of customers' electricity supply

In 2021, DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids energy workers will install special devices on 56 power lines to automate some of the medium voltage overhead lines. These are reclosers that can restore the network that has temporarily failed. Thanks to their installation, the company specialists will increase the quality and reliability of electricity supply to homes and businesses in Kyiv Region.
DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids equips the regional electric network with advance devices to increase the reliability of customers' electricity supply

“DTEK strives to become a benchmark for customer focus. This year we will install 156 reclosers on 10 kV overhead lines that are significant for the electricity distribution in Kyiv Region. In case of a failure, the recloser quickly puts the line back into operation, excluding the area where the accident occurred. Thus, the energy workers will spend less time for troubleshooting after abnormal situations, and customers will have electricity,” says Vitalii Shaida, CEO of DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids.

Most damage to overhead lines occurs when tree branches touch the line during strong gusts of wind, lightning strikes, etc. If the lines are not equipped with reclosers, then such a contact entails its automatic shutdown. As a result, customers may be without electricity for some time, waiting for repair crews to check and reconnect the line to the network.

These switches automatically find and select the area where the technological fault occurred, while maintaining the power supply to many customers. After their installation, the line will be automatically switched on without the intervention of DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids workers. If the reclosers fail to restore power, which will indicate the severity of the accident, the device will send a signal to a dispatcher, who, in turn, will inform the energy workers about the need to do the recovery work. In this way, emergency crews save time searching for damage and reduce the duration of customer outages.

As previously reported, the company will invest in the Kyiv Region electrical infrastructure more than 614 million hryvnia in 2021. With these funds, DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids will reconstruct substations, distribution points, cable and overhead lines, and will continue to develop the Smart Grid system.