Main News Press Releases DTEK Kyiv Region Grids have two additional mobile numbers for customer to reach the company

DTEK Kyiv Region Grids have two additional mobile numbers for customer to reach the company

Thermal power generation18 November 2020
DTEK Kyiv Region Grids take care of its customers and expand communication channels with the company. Now, there are two additional mobile numbers using which the customers can resolve issues related to operations of the distribution system operator. For Lifecell subscribers, this number is (093) 495-70-40, and for Vodafone — (099) 495-70-40.

The DTEK Kyiv Region Grids call center process about 100 thousand calls every month. Most of the inquiries is about electricity metering and power supply. With two additional mobile numbers, the region's residents will be able to save not only time, but also money, because calls to a landline number are charged as long-distance calls for them.

By improving the customer service, we focus on the needs of people. We have the task to increase the number of communication channels and enhance their convenience. Therefore, we are adding new telephone lines of mobile operators, requested by the region’s residents. Our call center operator work 24/7, and they are ready to give a comprehensive answer to any question of our clients. One specialist answers at least 160 calls per day. Moreover, since quarantine started, call center operators have processed nearly 700 thousand calls”, - says Vitalii Shaida, DTEK Kyiv Region Grids CEO.

Over the phone, customers can submit meter readings, requests for unsealing, repair, and get an advice regarding connection to power grids and the entire range of services provided by DTEK Kyiv Region Grids (Distribution System Operator). These services are now available via new mobile numbers: (099) 495-70-40 (Vodafone) and (093) 495-70-40 (Lifecell). The landline call center number at (044) 459-07-40 and mobile number (067) 495-70-40 (Kyivstar) work as usual.

Customers of DTEK Kyiv Region Grids can also have a support online. They can request 50% of services online. The residents can remotely choose the day of an electrician's visit to check, parameterize or repair meters using the official website. The service is already available for the first 11 districts. There is a service for submitting requests for connections to the networks of DTEK Kyiv Region Grids through the online system on the company's website. Customers can also submit meter readings through the mobile application “Merezhi Online” available both in the AppStore and Google Play Market. With the mobile application, users can find out about emergency and scheduled outages, and inform the company about defects noticed on electrical installations in Kyiv Region.