Main News Press Releases DTEK Grids won an award of the US Energy Association for prompt restoration of electricity during hostilities

DTEK Grids won an award of the US Energy Association for prompt restoration of electricity during hostilities

DTEK Grids won an Emergency Recovery Award of the US Energy Companies Association “The Edison Electric Institute” (EEI). This award is given to businesses from all over the world that found themselves in the emergency situation but make every effort to provide customers with electricity. DTEK Grids became one of the first Ukrainian companies in the history of the award to win it. DTEK Grids energy workers are working round-the-clock to promptly restore power to Ukrainians after russian attacks.

Since the beginning of the full-scale war, energy workers of the DTEK Grids Distribution System Operators continued to perform their primary task – providing Ukrainians with electricity, despite all the challenges. We have already restored electricity to 12.6 mln* families in Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Odesa and Donetsk regions, and in the city of Kyiv that were de-energized due to enemy actions. Our specialists replaced almost 1,500 and repaired another 5,600 power facilities, damaged due to russian shelling. In particular, energy workers in the Donetsk region and in the south of the Dnipropetrovsk region restore electricity every day to 1,000 to 10,000 homes, de-energized due to hostilities. This unprecedented and dedicated work was honored with one of the world’s most famous awards in the field of energy industry (EEI).


“Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia in Ukraine, our energy workers are doing everything possible to provide electricity to every home despite dangers, constant enemy attacks, electricity shortage. No other country in recent history has faced such challenges in the energy industry. Nevertheless, DTEK Grids DSO and our colleagues within the industry have united to hold the energy front together. All our specialists understand that thousands of lives depend on their work, especially in the frontline districts, and put in all 1000%. Therefore, this award is an international recognition of all our energy workers and belongs entirely to them,” – commented DTEK Grids CEO Oleksandr Fomenko.

Unfortunately, in the conditions of war, the work of energy workers became riskier and more dangerous due to shelling and mining of the territory by the enemy. Over the course of more than two years of the full-scale war, one energy worker of DTEK Grids DSO died while on duty and another 14 were wounded.


The Edison Electric Institute is an association that represents all private electronic companies of the US, together they provide electricity to almost 250 million of Americans. Every year, EEI gives its awards to the energy companies from all over the world for unprecedented achievements and contribution to the development of the energy industry.


*Electricity has been restored to some of them more than 30 times.