Main News Press Releases DTEK Odessa Grids and State Architectural and Construction Inspectorate of Odessa mediate problems of power supply to apartment buildings

DTEK Odessa Grids and State Architectural and Construction Inspectorate of Odessa mediate problems of power supply to apartment buildings

Thermal power generation22 February 2022
DTEK Odessa Grids and Architectural and Construction Supervision Department (SACI) of Odessa City Council help residents of apartment buildings in Odessa solve problems related to lack of power supply agreements. In the course of two years of operating in the region, Distribution System Operator together with the city SACI helped residents of 10 apartment buildings settle a matter of permanent connection to the grids. It was achieved thanks to cooperation with authorities and meaningful talks with residents of buildings, connected to the power grids as construction sites. This information was announced during a press briefing by Oleksandr Fomenko, Head of DTEK Odesa Grids, and Oleksandr Avdieiev, Head of OCC SACI department.
DTEK Odessa Grids and State Architectural and Construction Inspectorate of Odessa mediate problems of power supply to apartment buildings

For over 10 years some apartment buildings in Odessa are connected to the power grids as construction sites. It has a negative impact on quality and safety of electricity supply to its residents, as well as on ability to pay for electricity according to the household consumers’ tariff. This problem is caused by non-fulfilment of statutory conditions for connecting to the grids by real-estate developers.

“Quite often residents of Odessa purchase dangerous square meters in so-called problematic property without a full package of approval documents, thus creating problems (with power supply as well) that lead to rallies, blocking of roads and conflict situations. These people can be understood, as they purchased residential property and they don’t care who is to blame. They need to work out a problem, and we need to implement mechanisms to counter construction without a full package of documents and to protect our citizens at the very beginning of construction, – says Oleksandr Avdieiev, Head of Odessa City Council State Architectural and Construction Inspectorate Department.

Overall, after DTEK Odessa Grids began operations in 2020 it was able to identify this problem in 22 residential complexes in Odessa region. In the course of 2 years the Company helped find a solution for 10 of them.

“DTEK acts in the interests of its customers. In 2020 2021, the Company helped connect 10 apartment buildings to the power lines. It was done thanks to negotiations and inclusion of residents and city council in the problem solving process,” – says Oleksandr Fomenko, Head of DTEK Odesa Grids.

He has underscored that the Company is aware about at least 12 more apartment buildings without a power supply agreement. Solving of this matter requires residents’ active position and readiness to seek solutions.

“DTEK is ready to help residents of apartment buildings, which are connected as a construction site. We are ready to engage in negotiations with residents and local authorities in order to find ways to settle the matter of permanent connection of buildings,” underscored Head of DTEK Odessa Grids.

It is worth noting that in accordance with the legislation responsibility for ensuring permanent connection of apartment buildings to the grids lies on real-estate developers, while responsibility for compliance with specifications lies on the employer, who has to develop a project of external and internal power supply of the property, negotiate the approval of design documentation and pay for connection services. Whereas, Distribution System Operator has to prepare external power grids, while the employer has to build internal power grids of the building, install electricity meters and protective devices, and provide a required documents package. This is the procedure for connection of new customers to power grids, defined by the law*.

It is recommended for residents, purchasing square meters, to request real-estate developer to provide information about all approval documents, specifications milestones, etc.

In order to help residents of apartment buildings, who have encountered the problem of lack of power supply agreements and who have to pay according to industrial tariff, OCC SACI and DTEK Odessa Grids are ready to inform about all issued approval documents, operational readiness certificates and issues with grids connections specifications. Additionally, they are ready to create dialog platforms, provide counseling services and make suggestions that will allow connecting apartment buildings. This effort requires residents to initiate negotiations with city authorities and Distribution System Operator, and to be ready to participate in a meaningful dialog.

* Connection of customers to the power grids and conclusion of direct contracts are carried out by the Distribution System Operator (DSO) within the Distribution Systems Code, Electricity Market Law and Retail Electricity Market Operating Policies.