Main News Press Releases DTEK Odesa Grids verified the power supply reliability in hospitals that provide care to COVID patients

DTEK Odesa Grids verified the power supply reliability in hospitals that provide care to COVID patients

Thermal power generation15 December 2020
DTEK Odesa Grids checked the external, internal power supply networks and the operation of independent power supplies to hospitals that admit COVID patients from Odesa and the region.

“DTEK is a reliable partner of our society. In the spring of this year, after the pandemic outbreak, power engineers checked the power supply of 1,035 healthcare facilities per the contractual reliability category. At the end of November, we did an unscheduled inspection of 71 hospitals in Odesa and Odesa Region, which admit COVID patients. We ensured the contractual categorization in all hospitals we inspected,” – says Aleksandr Fomenko, DTEK Odesa Grids CEO.

To enhance the power supply reliability in the Razdelnyanskaya Central Regional Hospital, the Odesa Regional Oncological Dispensary and City Clinical Hospital No. 11, the company developed additional measures that will allow the use of backup power sources. In particular, a disconnector was installed between two 10 kV lines "TsRP" and "Frunze", and a transfer switch in the Achkanovyh RP will be completed by December 25.

Today, DTEK Odesa Grids helps to repair internal networks within the territory of the Clinical Hospital of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine and Odesa Regional Healthcare Center, known as ‘Watermen Hospital’, in Odesa using its own material and technical resources.

The inspection results proved that almost all healthcare facilities have independent power sources, or they are provided with diesel generators. However, there are no transfer switches for a backup generator in the city multidisciplinary hospital of the Belgorod-Dnestrovsky city council, Belgorod-Dnestrovsky, Ivanovskaya, Ovidiopol, Artsyz, Izmail, Reni, Tatarbunar central regional hospitals, Danube regional hospital, Izmail city central hospital and Vilkovo city hospital.

In order to prevent emergencies, the company sent notices to the heads of 71 healthcare facilities and local authorities about the need to inspect the internal networks. The letters also contained recommendation about how to bring the networks in full compliance with technical conditions, and how to ensure the proper categorization of electricity supply reliability (according to the state standards, healthcare facilities with ventilators is of the first reliability category). Also, the company has appointed managers responsible for providing the hospitals with all needed support.

DTEK Odesa Grids is always ready to take part in an inspection and give advice on checking the operation of automatic transfer switch schemes, backup automatic power sources, in particular diesel power plants, and their work condition in case of emergency.