Main News Press Releases DTEK Grids present Ukraine in the European panel discussion on future of power grids

DTEK Grids present Ukraine in the European panel discussion on future of power grids

Thermal power generation14 November 2019
On November 12, 2019, within the framework of European Utility Week the panel discussion on the role of distribution system operators (DSO) on the changing energy environment and the challenges it causes was held.
DTEK Grids present Ukraine in the European panel discussion on future of power grids

The participants of the panel discussion were Ivan Geliukh, CEO of DTEK Grids (Ukraine), Philippe Monloubou, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Enedis (France), Livio Gallo, director of the Global Infrastructure and Networks of Enel, Joao Torres, CEO of EDP Distribuição (Portugal), and Casey Wells – international expert in the field of energy and utilities.

“Energy industry in Ukraine and consumer needs in energy services evolves in the same direction as in the majority of countries: smartization, decentralization, decarbonization. Renewable energy sources in Ukraine have grown four times over recent three years. We see big demand of the customers in green energy,” – stated Ivan Geliukh. 

Ivan Geliukh believes that DSOs play the most important role in this process, as it is DSOs that create grids infrastructure based on which green energy, electric car market and energy-saving technologies can develop. 

DTEK Grids CEO stressed the importance of innovations, which have impact on energy industry development.

“It is important that Ukraine has strong IT potential. And DTEK uses it, in 2018, the company launched Energy Accelerator Program under which we search for Ukrainian innovation projects in energy industry and develop them. The same year, the company set up board DTEK Innovation, which attracts world frontline expertise in digital technologies,” – noted Ivan Geliukh.

When discussing energy market and DSO regulation, Ivan Geliukh said that in 2019 Ukraine has launched liberalized energy market. 

“In January (2019) unbundling took place, operators of greed and suppliers were separated, and the market saw competition to appear. We expect that next steps will follow soon, namely, change in regulatory policy in tariff setting for DSOs towards the approach allowing development and automation introduction in the grids,” – said Ivan Geliukh.