Main News Press Releases DTEK will install over 11,000 new meters in the Kyiv region

DTEK will install over 11,000 new meters in the Kyiv region

This year, DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids will continues replacing old meters with the new modern ones. The new meters are multi-zone and allow saving money on electricity consumed at night. By the end of the year, such automated systems should be installed in homes of 11,000 residents of the Kyiv region. DTEK asks to grant company’s employees access to the houses and apartments to conduct installation activities.
DTEK will install over 11,000 new meters in the Kyiv region

DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids installs new meters for the funds of an investment program approved by NERC. Such meters have a feature of day and night electricity usage metering that allows reducing electricity cost due to the lower night tariff*. 

“Despite the difficult situation, we continue replacing old meters with the new modern ones. This year, we will install over 11,000 such appliances in the region. Mainly, in the buildings where old meters have reached the end of its service life. Replacement of meters does not involve any additional expenses by the residents of the region. The main request to the customers is to provide access to meters for prompt replacement, especially where the meters are installed indoors,” underscores the company

Before conducting replacement, specialists notify residents of buildings and appartements in advance. They place notices, indicating date of work performance and contact telephone numbers of the responsible employee of the company, conduct additional notification by phone to schedule a convenient time of replacement. To perform installation, DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids specialists are to be let in the premise (if the meter is located in the apartment). 

Works are conducted by employees, wearing yellow-grey company’s overalls with a company logo. Electricians must present corresponding ID upon customer’s request. 

DTEK specialists are working 24/7 to ensure reliable power supply of houses and enterprises. In case of shelling, the workers are provided with everything needed for prompt restoration of power supply. 

* Smart meters allow enjoying benefits of a night electricity tariff if the customers wish so. Its terms are available at the NERC website.