Main News Press Releases DTEK High-Voltage Grids restored the Tsentralnaya-Ocheretino high-voltage line damaged by shelling

DTEK High-Voltage Grids restored the Tsentralnaya-Ocheretino high-voltage line damaged by shelling

Thermal power generation06 September 2021
DTEK High-Voltage Grids restored the operation of damaged sections of the high-voltage line in two days. Thus, the company made sure that people and industrial enterprises in Avdeevka have reliable power supply.

Sections of the 110 kV high-voltage line supplying part of Avdeevka, industrial enterprises of the city and the Avdeevka Tyagovaya substation were damaged on 28 August. But the city did not remain without power. DTEK High-Voltage Grids promptly reconnected customers that lost power to backup power inputs.

“As soon as the company received all the necessary approvals, our energy workers immediately started to restore power supply. We engaged 12 specialists, and three pieces of equipment, including an aerial platform. We have eliminated the damage in three sections of the line that appeared after the mortar shelling. Now the operation of these sections has been fully restored,” says Oleksii Degtyarev, General Director at DTEK High Voltage Grids.

The company needed to get additional agreements with the JCCC (Joint Center for Control and Coordination on Ceasefire Issues) and involve representatives of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine and the OSCE to do the restoration work.

DTEK High-Voltage Grids serves the Ukraine’s interests, shares the values of community, and understands that the availability of uninterrupted power supply is the key to the comfort of the region's residents.