Main News Press Releases DTEK Dnipro Grids energy workers helped restore electricity to the north of the Kherson region

DTEK Dnipro Grids energy workers helped restore electricity to the north of the Kherson region

Thermal power generation30 December 2022
On December 27, DTEK Dnipro Grids energy workers together with specialists of other Distribution System Operators have restored operation of the 150 kV line that powers north of the Kherson region. On December 30, electricity has been fully restored to Beryslav and Beryslav district.

On December 27, energy workers have completed repair of the 150 kV line in the north of the Kherson region. For 29 days, 25 energy workers have been repairing equipment in order to restore power supply in the region. Besides replacing the cut wires, they also had to completely replace poles, destroyed by the enemy.

The situation was complicated by abundant rains and waterlogging of the route, where repairs were being conducted.

Thanks to the conducted repairs, electricity has been restored to residents of Beryslav and Beryslav district of the Kherson region.

Energy workers have been working in close interaction with sappers, as de-occupied region is full of mines.