Preparing for winter: DTEK Kyiv Grids upgraded two high-voltage substations

Despite war, increased cost of materials and difficult financial situation, DTEK Kyiv Grids continues to implement projects related to modernization of the capital grid within the 2023 investment program. Thus, the company has recently completed technical reequipment of two high-voltage substations of 35/10 kV and 110/35/10 kV.
“DTEK Grids is creating an infrastructure for rebuilding of Ukraine and recovery of economy. We are developing smart grids to be used as a foundation for resurrection of Ukrainian cities – new, modern, “smart”. Even in the conditions of constant threat of missile strikes, the company continues to invest in modernization of the city’s energy infrastructure. We have now completed upgrade of two high-voltage substations that provide electricity to 186 multistoried buildings, over 2,500 private houses, 9 schools and kindergartens, children hospital and other critical infrastructure facilities of the city,” – noted DTEK Kyiv Grids CEO Denys Bondar.
In particular, old power transformers at substations have been replaced. They have reached the end of the service life, were physically and morally unable to perform its functions. The new modern ones were installed instead. This will help create additional power reserve for customers and energy system of the city before the start of the heating season.
In addition to new transformers, the following works were also conducted at substations: installed new input cells, replaced old oil circuit breakers with more eco-friendly vacuum ones, installed surge arrestors, reconstructed relay protection system, etc.
The projects have been implemented with the funds of the company’s Investment program. Overall scope of funds invested in substations exceeded 70 million hryvnas.