Main News Press Releases Vacation Guide: how to behave close to energized facilities

Vacation Guide: how to behave close to energized facilities

It will be hot in Donetsk Region in the coming days. The air temperature can reach +35°C, and meteorologists notify of a fire hazard of class 5. DTEK Donetsk Grids underlines that it is a must to follow all the safety rules within the protected zones of power facilities to ensure safe downtime and reliable power supply.

DTEK serves the interests of Ukraine, takes care of its customers and does everything to ensure that their homes always have lights on and comfort. The key to reliable operation of the region's power grid is compliance with fire safety rules. Careless handling of fire, burning dead wood in open areas can entail large-scale damage to overhead power lines, electrical substations, and the power cuts to entire settlements and enterprises. We urge residents to be careful and take care of themselves and their beloved ones,” says Oleksii Degtyarev, CEO of DTEK Donetsk Grids.

It is important to remember that the overhead power lines are always high-risk locations, especially during rough weather. According to the Law of Ukraine "On energy sector lands and the legal status of special zones around energy facilities", protected zones area established along the overhead lines:

  • 10 m from the outermost wires for the 6-10 kV overhead lines;
  • 15 m for 35 kV overhead lines;
  • 20 m for 110 kV overhead lines;
  • 25 m for 150 kV overhead lines;

The following is prohibited within protected zones:

  • Build residential, public and country houses;
  • Arrange landfills. Store fertilizers, feed, peat, straw, firewood, and other materials. Light bonfires. Plant trees and other perennials;
  • Build filling stations or other storage facilities for fuels and lubricants;
  • Throw foreign objects on conductive parts, climb up the poles, dismantle their elements;
  • Arrange markets, parking, sports grounds, fly kites, model aircraft;

Violation of the above can potentially entail power disruption or lines failure.

The energy workers ask residents of the region to follow the electrical safety rules. Keep away from high-voltage lines and poles, as well as broken lines, transformer substations and other energized power facilities. Do not try to entry into electrical installations. If you find broken or sagging wires, open doors and hatches of electrical installations, as well as damaged poles, please, report to the DTEK Donetsk Grids call center at (0629) 450 473, (093/096/099) 4500473, end a message through our Facebook page, or using the chatbot on Viber or Telegram.