Main News Press Releases How to get to know of scheduled interruptions of power supply in Dnipro Region?

How to get to know of scheduled interruptions of power supply in Dnipro Region?

Thermal power generation11 August 2020
Power interruptions don’t have to be sudden. DTEK Dnipro Grids explains how the clients can simply and promptly get informed on scheduled shutdowns and check their addresses on the list of facilities planned for repairs. One can do that via the Company’s site – remotely and with no calls to the call center.

To ensure reliable power supply for every client in the Region, the power infrastructure requires regular maintenance, upgrades and retrofits. Most of the works require de-energization of the affected facilities. It is essential for safety of the people fixing the equipment.

To make sure that every client’s home always has light and comfort, DTEK Dnipro Grids is in a perpetual loop of renovating power lines and power infrastructure of Dnipro Region. This year, we are investing more that UAH 753M into development. There are some kinds of works, like connections to the grid, that we are able to do without a shutdown. However, repairs of cable networks, replacement or retrofitting of overhead lines, alas, require de-energization. We strive to minimize the downtime and always warn people of a shutdown,” General Director of DTEK Dnipro Grids Andriy Tereshchuk says.

The Company informs the Region’s dwellers of shutdowns related to scheduled repairs or maintenance in a timely manner on its official site in section Scheduled and fault shutdowns. Here, all addresses of facilities and shutdowns are listed, along with estimated power unavailability timeframe. A client can view the details on the interactive map or enter the address into the search field to check whether it is on the list.

There is a short informational video on Facebook about the reasons why electric engineers do perform scheduled shutdowns.

The shutdown details enable the clients to ready themselves and avoid nuisance for a scheduled shutdown’s time. The service also allows to check the reason of a sudden power loss, whether there is a failure at your address or not. If you see your address among ‘faults’, our electric engineers are already in the know and working on it. There is really no need to dub the requests with phone calls.