Main News Press Releases DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids emergency response teams work under no timeline due to severe weather

DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids emergency response teams work under no timeline due to severe weather

According to the Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Center, severe weather will last throughout May 18 in Kyiv Region. During the day, thunderstorms, hail, and wind gusts up to 20 meters per second are expected. The bad weather has already damaged the power equipment of the company. DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids has restored the operation of more than 300 transformer substations and 12 de-energized 6-10 kV lines.

These days 15 settlements are completely de-energized, and 9 are de-energized partially. Most blackouts were in the Makarovsky, Yagotynsky and Obukhovsky Power Centers. The company is working hard to restore the power supply to return electricity to the customers as soon as possible.

DTEK is a reliable and conscious company that works 24/7 to provide all customers with electricity. DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids energy workers are working under no timeline and are all set to promptly eliminate accidents if necessary. Now 73 teams, counting 235 experts and 84 units of equipment, eliminate blackouts in de-energized settlements. We are making every effort to return power to our customers as soon as possible,” says Vitaliy Shaida, CEO of DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids.

DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids recommends that residents of the region stay at home, if possible, and be careful not to approach bare wires, broken lines and fallen trees.

Tips for possible mass outages due to bad weather: information about emergency outages can be checked on the company's website in the No electricity? section. If your address is there, the company already knows about the shutdown and restores the power supply. If you did not find your address, please report the outage via the "Merezhi Online" mobile app (available in the AppStore and Google Play Market), the chatbot on Viber and Telegram, or message the DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids on Facebook.