Main News Press Releases Kyivoblenergo launch online application for smartphone users

Kyivoblenergo launch online application for smartphone users

Thermal power generation06 August 2020
DTEK in Kyiv Region has launched the Grids Online mobile app. From now on, the clients of Kyivoblenergo will be able to get informed on scheduled and fault shutdowns, order maintenance of their meters, submit meter readings – everything using their smartphones. The app is already available in App Store and Google Play Market.
Kyivoblenergo launch online application for smartphone users

Being a responsible and reliable company, DTEK realizes the needs of modern clients and creates handy remote services for them.

“The client service has already gone beyond visits to CSCs and use of desktop computers long ago. At times, the dynamics of our life require prompt solution of issues. We therefore streamline the service processes and build a new client service: simple and convenient, allowing to get up-to-date information and apply for most of the services online. We hope that this app will facilitate comfortable and easy interaction with the Company for our clients using smartphones,” General Director of Kyivoblenergo Vitaliy Shaida explained.

To start using the new service, a client has to download the app and register. After that, they can select a relevant section:

1. Shutdowns. Here, a list of fault and scheduled shutdowns can be viewed. From it a client can promptly get informed on unavailability of power and estimated time of its restoration. Here one can specify several addresses to monitor the shutdown details.

2. Addresses. In this section, a client can inform the Company on a power loss or order additional services like maintenance of their meter or connection to the grid. Important: the app redirects to the respective page of the Company’s site.

3. Meters. This section is designed for submission of meter readings. Should a client forget to submit their readings timely, they will get a reminding. To confirm the information on the electricity used, it is mandatory to take a photo of the meter and submit it along with the readings. The app has an option of entering readings of several meters – in case one is paying for the electricity at several addresses.

4. Other. This section allows to inform the Company about defects or violations (thefts). For that, it is necessary to specify the address, append a photo of the defect or violation and submit the information. Please, double-check your e-mail address in your profile, as the response will be delivered there. If no e-mail is specified, a letter will be mailed within 30 days.

W would like to remind that Kyivoblenergo has joined DTEK Grids last year. Back then, the Company had an ambitious aim – to bring the client service in line with world standards. For that, the Company has already implemented the pro-active informing if clients on scheduled and fault shutdowns and has begun renovating CSCs and digitizing services. Year ago, just 20% of popular services could be ordered online. Nowadays this share has reached 50%. And the Company keeps digitizing the services.