#EnergyWings: the storks are returning to their nests in the Dnipropetrovsk region that survived thanks to the DTEK energy workers

Due to warm winter, the storks are returning to Ukraine earlier this year. A family of Taisiia Buhaiova from the village Debaltseve is also waiting for the birds to return. Last spring the storks have settled on the pole near their house.
“Such proximity let us witness with our own eyes how the storks feed their chicks, bringing them food. They pour water on their baby directly from their beak using it as a tap, this way they give it a drink and a shower. It was remarkably interesting, and we got used to them. By the end of summer, they were no longer afraid of us and walked freely around the garden,” – told Taisiia.
Pretty often the storks build their nests on the poles near people’s houses. However, such vicinity is dangerous for the birds, and it often damages grids. Misfortune almost happened with a family of birds in Debaltseve. In autumn, when the storks flew south, the nest has tilted and could fall any time. The Buhaiovy family asked DTEK Dnipro Grids specialists for help.
Energy workers have made a special protective metal platform, carefully relocated the nest on it and fastened the structure on the pole. Nothing will threaten the birds now, while the customers will have a reliable power supply.
“DTEK continues to develop the grids based on the sustainable development principles. The company’s main efforts are now focused on the emergency and restoration activities and on eliminating the consequences of shelling. Nevertheless, despite the war, we do not abandon our kind-hearted project #EnergyWings. This spring, our crews have already placed several nests on the safe structures in various districts of the region. This way we safeguard the storks and at the same time we protect customers from emergency shutdowns. We will continue this work in autumn, when the birds will fly south again. Overall, we plan to install at least 10 safe platforms in 2023,” – underscores the company.
Over the past 11 years, DTEK energy workers have installed 200 safe platforms for storks throughout the region, as well as about 40 artificial nests for the birds of prey, such as scops owls and hobby falcons. Besides, over 700 bird diverters and covers have been installed on power lines to protect birds from electrocution. All that is continuation of DTEK global policy for sustainable development in compliance with the goals of the UN Global Compact with regard to preservation of terrestrial ecosystems. Due to the war, the company has to implement such projects in smaller scales. However, as soon as the war ends, DTEK Dnipro Grids plans to resume its implementation in full scope.