Starting a career in the energy sector while studying: DTEK Kyiv Grids have announced enrolment for a dual education program

Being a responsible and reliable company, DTEK cares about Ukraine’s future and supports the talented youth. A dual education program offered by DTEK Kyiv Grids is a joint project launched by the company, Kyiv Electromechanical College, National University of Food Technologies, and Kyiv Energy College. This project provides students from specialized departments of these higher education institutions with an opportunity to start building their professional career in the energy sector as early as during the last year of their studies by combining education and work.
‘17 students who enrolled in a 2019/2020 dual education program have already been working and studying at our company. They have been included in the payroll, receive salaries, and the company provides them with protective clothing, instruments, and medical insurance. At the end of June, we are going to offer the best students to join our team on a permanent basis,’ commented DTEK Kyiv Grids CEO Maris Kunickis.
The company has increased the number of places in the dual education program up to 20 for the next 2020/2021 academic year. It means that another 20 youths will be able to continue their education in the dual education program and receive their first job at the company.
To be eligible for joining the dual education project at DTEK Kyiv Grids, students have to meet certain requirements: to study for a degree related to the energy sector at one of the above mentioned educational institutions; to be the 3rd or 4th year student; to have desire; to be of age; to fill an application form at the link and qualify for the program. More detailed information can be obtained by calling the Professional Education Centre at +380 44 201 58 63.
Fixed-term employment contracts will be made with all the students enrolled in the program. They will fill in vacant positions in the company. The students will enjoy all social benefits set out in the company’s Collective Bargaining Agreement. Each student will receive their personal professional mentor and will study in accordance with a time table and educational program agreed with their college or university.