Main News Press Releases Reliable power supply: Odessaoblenergo modernizes lines and equipment in Suvorovsky District

Reliable power supply: Odessaoblenergo modernizes lines and equipment in Suvorovsky District

Thermal power generation09 September 2020
Odessaoblenergo modernizes 110/10 kW substation called «Kryimskaya», and reconstructs 7 km of 10 kW cable lines to ensure that 42,000 clients and 2,268 enterprises in Suvorovsky District are provided with reliable and high-quality power supply.
Reliable power supply: Odessaoblenergo modernizes lines and equipment in Suvorovsky District

In early 2020, Odessaoblenergo began reconstruction of about 7 km of cable lines in the Kotovskoho residential area. Power engineers are modernizing three cable lines that come from the Kryimskaya substation and lead to the following 10 kW distribution units: “Zvezdnyiy” (31 Marselskaya Str.), “Dneprovskiy” (78 Geroev oboronyi Odessyi Str.), and “Dobrovolskiy” (2 Bocharova Str.).

“DTEK is a reliable partner of the community. The substation and power grids reconstruction is part of the modernization program of the power equipment in Odessa, which our company implements consistently. This year, in accordance with our Investment Program, we are investing more than UAH 34 million in upgrading the power equipment in Suvorovsky District”, says Aleksandr Fomenko, Odessaoblenergo Director General.

The company’s specialists are replacing old cables with the new ones made of cross-linked polyethylene. These cables have a larger cross-section of 300 to 800 sq.m, and they are more reliable. In case of emergency outages, the power engineers can quickly restore power supply to clients both from the backup lines and from other distribution units. This will ensure that residents within Zabolotnoho, Paustovskoho, Marselskaya and Bocharova streets are provided with high-quality power supply.

Cable lines reconstruction is one of the important steps in modernization of the 110/10 kW Kryimskaya substation (22/1 Ak. Zabolotnoho Str.), which feeds more than 45,000 consumers of Suvorovsky District. In 2020, the power engineers installed two new transformers with a larger capacity of 63 MVA instead of the old 40 MVA, four new environmental vacuum switches. They are now proceeding with construction work and installation of 110 kV equipment. The work is scheduled to be completed in 2021
Also, in the first six months, within the Investment Program framework, the power engineers installed the new 10/0.4 kV unloading substation with 250 kVA transformers in the village of Shevchenko in Suvorovsky District. The plan is to install another similar one by the end of the year. In addition, specialists will separate 3 km of wire and replace it with an aerial bundled line cable. This will provide 1210 consumers with high quality and stable voltage.