Main News Press Releases Severe weather and fire hazard: your safety near overhead lines

Severe weather and fire hazard: your safety near overhead lines

Due to the deteriorating weather and high fire hazard (class 5), DTEK Dnipro Grids calls attention of our customers to the safety rules within the protective zones and asks the residents of Dnipro and the region not to approach high-voltage lines and energized power facilities. This can be dangerous, especially during and after rains, gusts of wind and thunderstorms. The company recalls the electrical safety rules that will save your life and health.

DTEK serves the interests of Ukraine and takes care of its customers. It is vital to remember that overhead power lines always represent increased danger, especially during severe weather. According to the Law of Ukraine "On the Lands of Energy and the Legal Regime of Special Zones of Energy Facilities", protective zones have been established (video) to create normal conditions for their operation and ensure the safety of citizens along the overhead lines.

  • 10 m from the projection of outer wires for 6-10 kV overhead lines;
  • 15 m for 35 kV overhead lines;
  • 20 m for 110 kV overhead lines;
  • 25 meters for 150 kV overhead lines;

High-voltage power lines on metal and reinforced concrete poles and equipment of 35-150 kV substations are energized. Therefore, not only touching, but also approaching wires and insulators is life-threatening.

The following is PROHIBITED within these protective zones:

  • Build residential, public and country houses;
  • Arrange any landfills. Make up fertilizers, feed, peat, straw, firewood, and other materials. Set fires. Plant trees and other perennial plantings;
  • Locate petrol stations or other storage facilities for fuels and lubricants;
  • Throw foreign objects on conductive parts, climb the overhead power lines poles, dismantle their elements;
  • Arrange sports grounds, markets, public transport stops;

The following is also PROHIBITED within the power facilities protective zones, without the written consent of the power companies in charge of these networks, as well as without the presence of their representative:

  • Construction, reconstruction, overhaul, demolition of buildings and structures;
  • Implementation of all types of mining, loading and unloading, dredging, reclamation work, cutting down trees, the location of field camps, cattle corrals, installation of wire fences, as well as watering crops;
  • Passage of vehicles and mechanisms with or without cargo with a height of more than 4.5 m from the road surface within the protective zones of overhead power lines;
  • Excavation works at a depth of more than 0.3 meters, and on arable land - at a depth of more than 0.45 meters, as well as leveling the ground in the protective zones of underground cable lines;

All these actions in the protective zones are a gross violation of the "Rules for the protection of electrical networks" and "Fire safety rules" and can lead to their emergency shutdown, accidents, and injury to people.

Enterprises, institutions, organizations, individual citizens who intend to carry out work within the protective zones must notify the energy company about this no later than three days in advance and get a written permission to do the work.

DTEK Dnipro Grids urges residents of the region to be careful not to approach high-voltage lines and poles, as well as broken lines, transformer substations and other energized power facilities.

If you find fallen to the ground, broken or sagging wires, open doors and hatches of electrical installations, as well as damaged poles, please report this to the company's call center: by phone (056/066/067) 790 99 00, on the website or via Facebook page.