Beware of fakes! DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids warns about Telegram channels with false information about power shutdowns

The criminals would use the name “DTEK” and fabricate company logo, attempting to confuse and misinform the residents. These can be both dishonest Telegram channels, trying to increase the number of subscribers in any way possible, and russian PSYOP, which goal is to create panic and mistrust among Ukrainians. Fake news may be remarkably similar to the official ones; therefore, you should be careful when using social media.
Please note that the only official channels for getting current information from DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids are the following:
- Viber and Telegram chatbots
- Facebook page
Official information about the condition of the energy system throughout the country is also posted in Telegram by:
- NPC Ukrenergo -
- Ministry of Energy-
- Kyiv RSA -
- DTEK Group -
In order to avoid fake news and cyber fraud, please follow the following advises:
- Verify the source. Always make sure that you are getting information from the official source. For example, DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids website.
- Do not trust information, taken from social media, from unverified accounts (without the “blue star”, without the name of creators or contact information).
- Check the original source. Fake news often impersonates well-known accounts and spreads rumors. Pay attention to the references in the news.
- Pay attention to the headlines. Fake news often has flash titles, written with large letters and exclamation marks.
- Track errors. A lot of fake sources make errors: spelling, lexical, grammatical and punctuation.
DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids urges everyone to take care of your information hygiene. Subscribe to our official channels and be informed about all important news related to power shutdowns, schedules and other online services.