Main News Press Releases Energy workers from Odessa helped restore electricity to the Kyiv region

Energy workers from Odessa helped restore electricity to the Kyiv region

DTEK Odessa Grids energy workers helped restore electricity to the Kyiv region, liberated from invaders in early April. On May 18, energy workers of DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids, DTEK Kyiv Grids, DTEK Odessa Grids and DTEK Dnipro Grids jointly completed restoration of power to 600 settlements in the Kyiv region. Overall, electricity was restored to 260,000 families.
Energy workers from Odessa helped restore electricity to the Kyiv region

13 crews (105 energy workers and 28 pieces of machinery) of DTEK Odessa Grids helped restore the destroyed electrical infrastructure of the Kyiv region. These are high-voltage lines and substations repair specialists, and distribution grids repair specialists. Energy workers helped restore electricity to Borodianka, Horenka, Romanivka and neighboring villages, left without electricity due to active hostilities. Additionally, specialists have ensured reliable power supply to Irpin, Bucha and Hostomel.

«Energy infrastructure of the Kyiv region suffered great damage. As soon as territories of the region were liberated from the invaders, our energy workers went to the Kyiv region to help repair destroyed grids and power equipment. Guys worked overtime and weekends. There were several rotations in one and a half months, as this work was hard and exhausting. Our specialists put in their best efforts to restore electricity to the homes of residents of the Kyiv region as soon as possible,» — noted representative of the company.


Overall, 160 crews of DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids, DTEK Kyiv Grids, DTEK Dnipro Grids and DTEK Odessa Grids worked on restoration of electrical infrastructure in the Kyiv region. In total, energy workers restored almost 10,000 kilometers of lines that were destroyed by shelling, repaired and connected 71 high voltage substations and 2,975 transformer substations, thus restoring electricity to 260,000 families in 600 settlements of the region.

Now energy workers have returned home and after a short rest immediately taken up guard of the energy front in their native region — cutting trees and eliminating defects of the grid to prevent accidents, eliminating consequences of bad weather and ensuring reliable power supply to the homes of residents of the Odessa region.