Main News Press Releases DTEK Dnipro Grids employees have joined international #IWillSurviveChallenge challenge

DTEK Dnipro Grids employees have joined international #IWillSurviveChallenge challenge

Being a reliable and responsible business, DTEK cares about the health of its employees and follows WHO recommendations. DTEK Dnipro Grids employees have joined an international challenge and recorded a video focusing on the importance of personal hygiene at work and home for personal safety.
DTEK Dnipro Grids employees have joined international #IWillSurviveChallenge challenge

This way, the energy sector workers supported an initiative launched by world stars such as actors, singers, TV presenters, doctors, and other professionals who recorded motivating video clips and published them in social media to encourage people reconsider their daily routines due the COVID-19 pandemic.

The core message of #IWillSurviveChallenge is ‘it only takes 20 seconds to survive’. People in the videos are showing off their hand-washing techniques to demonstrate how it should be done to protect themselves against the virus.

Quarantine restrictions will be gradually lifted but it does not mean that we could forget about taking precautions to prevent the spread of coronavirus disease: wash hands for at least 20 seconds, wear face masks, gloves, use antiseptics, and keep distance.

A short video showing energy sector workers washing their hands has been published on the company’s page in Facebook.

To recap, DTEK Dnipro Grids has not suspended their scheduled maintenance and repair programs and emergency recovery measures during the quarantine. All the works were performed in strict compliance with quarantine requirements. This is the foundation of reliable and uninterrupted supply of electricity to the households, businesses, and enterprises of the region.

The company has provided each employee with all the necessary protective equipment including antiseptics, face masks, and disinfectants.