Main News Press Releases Winter Energy Efficiency Tips from DTEK Donetsk Grids

Winter Energy Efficiency Tips from DTEK Donetsk Grids

Thermal power generation13 January 2022
When it’s cold outside, the load on the power grid increases significantly. The main reason is that we have fewer daylight hours, and we use heating devices quite extensively. If you use energy-consuming devices reasonably, then there will be no problems with overload and blackouts in your house or apartment. Here DTEK Donetsk Grids shares some tips on how to get ready for the autumn and winter season.

To keep the lights on when it’s cold outside, DTEK Donetsk Grids recommends that customers check whether their internal network can withstand the load of all household appliances. To do this, it is needed to sum up the total power of electrical appliances, including electric heating, and compare it with the permitted capacity specified in the distribution agreement. If the simultaneous power consumption of household appliances exceeds the permitted capacity, please, contact DTEK Donetsk Grids. The service for applying for connection to the power grid or increasing capacity is available online. You can use this service and apply through your online customer account for technical connections.

“DTEK is transforming its business by introducing European standards of customer service. We are upgrading and modernizing the networks across the Donetsk region to prevent blackouts. At the same time, we ask our customers not to exceed the allowed capacity or to increase it if needed. We have ensured that there is an option to do this online through the DTEK Donetsk Grids website. It is fast, and convenient. Besides, there is no need to go to the customer centers,” says Oleksii Degtyarev, Head of DTEK Donetsk Grids.

Some more tips from the company:

  • When buying household electrical appliances, choose energy efficient devices. As a rule, manufacturers indicate the power consumption on their devices. The less, the better;
  • Distribute the load. Switch on the most power-hungry devices one by one. This is especially true for buildings built before 2000. The internal networks there, as a rule, are not designed for high network loads;
  • Avoid peak Usually, this time is between 7:00AM and 9:00AM, and between 6:00PM to 8:00PM;
  • Consume power at night. By doing this, you will avoid unnecessary load surges and, if you are using 2 and 3-zone meters, save up to 50% on the night tariff;
  • Have an electrician’s contact info at hand. Whether it’s an electrician from condominium or a managing company, he is responsible for the maintenance and repair of all in-house networks;

If your power goes off because of an overload, try to turn off all energy-consuming devices and turn on the breaker. If the power keeps knocking out, contact an electrician. Do not try to fix it yourself, it is unsafe.

A video tutorial on how to apply for an increase in capacity can be found here.