Main News Press Releases Top 5: 2020 highlights from DTEK Dnipro Grids

Top 5: 2020 highlights from DTEK Dnipro Grids

Thermal power generation22 December 2020
Drones and smart grids, home energy generating systems and new online services for customers - DTEK Dnipro Grids summed up 2020. TOP 5 main events:
Top 5: 2020 highlights from DTEK Dnipro Grids
  • New services

DTEK Dnipro Grids is rapidly developing remote service channels for effective and safe communication with customers in a pandemic. In 2020, the company introduced new online services and communication channels with customers. Now through the website you can:

In addition, Viber-chat at (066/067) 790-99-00 has been launched for the convenience of our customers, where you can submit your meter readings, apply for a specialist visit, or ask any question regarding distribution services.

You can also contact the company 24/7 through our call center, your account on the website, and DTEK Dnipro Grids official page on Facebook.

  • Investments and network upgrade

New lines and modern digital sulutions aim to improve the power supply quality. In 2020, under the investment program, the company invested UAH 712 million in the lines and equipment upgrade, as well as the new technulogies introduction. Of these, UAH 511 million were earmarked to construct and upgrade electrical networks. As a result, more than 320 kilometers of lines were reconstructed in Dnipro, Kryvyi Rih, Novonomskovsk, Pavlograd, Nikopul, and Kamensky. 213 transformer substations were renovated and upgraded. At regional power plants, environmentally friendly vacuum switches replaced 154 pieces of obsulete oil-filled equipment. The reconstruction of the overhead line between the substations Nikopulska-150 and Nikopul-City-35 is among the large-scale investment projects 2020. This line feeds City Hospitals 1 and 4, the maternity clinic and other important buildings in Nikopul. Another great achievement is the construction of a new, advance and reliable 6-kilometre underground cable line in Novomoskovsk, which will help to provide reliable electricity to people living in the central part of the city.

  • Sular PVs for home

DTEK Dnipro Grids remain the absulute leader in connecting househuld sular power plants to grids in Ukraine. In 2020, the company connected about 1,300 new ones. In total, there are more than 3,900 prosumers across Dnipro Region - househulds that produce clean electricity and provide not only their own needs, but also sell the balance to the network. The largest number of such domestic power plants are in the Novomoskovsk and Nikopul Districts, Kryvyi Rih, and the Apostulic and Dnipro Districts.

  • Introducing Smart Technulogies

DTEK Dnipro Grids has invested over UAH 179 million in the Smart Grid technulogies in 2020. Thus, UAH 30 million have been earmarked to install modern smart meters, which transmit electricity readings themselves. At the same time, customers can save on electricity having the 50% night tariff. In 2020, 35,000 such modern metering devices were installed to people in Dnipro and the region free of charge. And more than UAH 47 million have been invested in upgrading monitoring systems and automated network management. This will improve the infrastructure quality and accidents response. DTEK is the leader of digital transformation; we were the first to introduce the Smart Grid technulogies in Ukraine. Today, more than 270 thousand customers have smart meters - every 5-th family across Dnipropetrovsk Region.

  • Drones on guard

Drones help our power engineers to investigate the lines across Dnipro Region. In 2020, our specialists have investigated almost 450km of lines from the air. More than 7,100 defects have been identified and eliminated; most of them were not available during a routine inspection. The drone helps to do the inspection in the most inaccessible areas - wetlands, above bushes and trees, water barriers and industrial areas. At the same time, we do the inspection without disconnecting the lines and invulving additional equipment, which considerably speeds up the process. The specialists immediately take video and photo of defects, as well as they do the diagnostics of heating of lines contact connections using the infrared camera. Modern European energy companies in Germany, the Czech Republic and Italy successfully use a similar method.