Main News Press Releases Digital services: DTEK provided online service to 32% more customers in 2021 than in 2020

Digital services: DTEK provided online service to 32% more customers in 2021 than in 2020

Thermal power generation21 February 2022
In 2021, DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids invested heavily in online service channels, such as chatbot, messengers and website. Number of queries via online channels increased by 32% compared to 2020. New services: online conclusion of the distribution agreement at the company’s website, chatbot in Viber and Telegram. Additionally, the company created a specific Viber community with up-to-date information for condominiums and heads of amalgamated territorial communities. In 2021, DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids processed a total of over 1.3 mln customer queries via remote service channels, including company’s call center. DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids makes company’s online interaction channels as simple and convenient as possible for customers to be able to use them both during the pandemic and after its ending.
Digital services: DTEK provided online service to 32% more customers in 2021 than in 2020

“DTEK strives to become the benchmark for customer focus and invests heavily in convenient customer service channels. We are constantly working on improvement of service in order to provide most services to our customers remotely – via smartphone or PC. In 2021, we have introduced a single online process for conclusion of distribution agreement via a form on the website, launched chatbot in Viber and Telegram, and Viber community for condominiums and heads of amalgamated territorial communities. 60% of company’s services are now available online. All remote services are available round the clock,” – says Vitaliy Shaida, Head of DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids.

The company underlines that online services is the fastest and easiest way to contact the company. They are user-friendly and available 24×7. In 2021, DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids launched a chatbot in Viber and Telegram, and a Viber information community for condominiums and heads of amalgamated territorial communities.

  • Viber communities for condominiums and heads of amalgamated territorial communities help customers promptly receive notifications about temporary limitations in power supply. At the beginning of 2022, over 5,000 members have registered in the community, and this number continues to grow;
  • Chatbots in Viber and Telegram help customers promptly obtain information about timescales for temporary limitations in power supply, submit meter’s readings, inform about power cutoff, and place online requests for services, such as technical inspection, replacement or sealing of the meter. At the beginning of 2022, over 130,000 customers have registered in DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids chatbot. The company will continue developing this service channel and make it even more functional and user-friendly;

The company has also extended functionality of services available to the customers, who enjoy advantages of DSO website. Website users are able to:

  • receive information about timescales for temporary limitations in power supply;
  • submit documents for connection to the grids;
  • inform about power cutoff;
  • make an appointment to the nearest Customer Service Center;
  • conclude a division agreement online, without visiting Customer Service Centers;
  • request an electric meter maintenance service;

In 2021, Electricity Distribution Company has also extended functionality of its call center. The following features are now available to the customers:

  • notification about scheduled and emergency activities. When selecting district of residence the customer can see online information about timescales for temporary limitations in power supply. There is no need to contact the operator;
  • a designated line for consulting legal customers. It helps business customers obtain information and request services faster. Telephone number is posted in the “Contacts” section of the DSO website;

In 2022, the company will continue developing online customer service channels and make them as user-friendly as possible, in order for the customers to receive the best service package possible remotely, without visiting service centers.