Main News Press Releases DTEK energy workers restored power to 714,000 homes in August

DTEK energy workers restored power to 714,000 homes in August

Thermal power generation02 September 2024
Last month, DTEK Grids energy workers restored electricity to homes of 714,000 families*, affected by shelling in Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk and Odesa regions. After each air attack or artillery shelling, specialists of the Distribution System Operators promptly repair the grids once they obtain permission from the AFU and SES.

In August, enemy attacks on the energy infrastructure continued. In particular, enemy missile attacks caused a number of outages in the Odesa region. Energy workers repaired the damage as soon as it was possible and restored electricity to homes of 381,200 families. 

Over the course of a month, energy workers managed to restore electricity to homes of 187,200 families in the Donetsk region, which remains an area of the most active hostilities. Specialists of the energy company continue restoring grids in the frontline region on a daily basis – once the security situation and the military permit. 

Over the same period of time, grids were also being damaged almost daily in the Dnipropetrovsk region, where electricity has been restored to 145,700 families in August. The enemy is frequently shelling the Dnipropetrovsk region with the south of the region suffering the most. 

“The enemy continued attacking the energy infrastructure of the country in August. Nevertheless, energy workers throughout the country joined efforts to keep providing residents with electricity. Our task is to provide residents and critical infrastructure with electricity as much as it is possible in the conditions of regular shelling. Over the course of more than two years of the full-scale war, we have already restored electricity to 13.8 million families in Kyiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Odesa and Donetsk regions, and in the capital,”noted Oleksandr Fomenko, CEO at DTEK Grids 

Company’s specialists continue to work together with AFU and SES in the regions of fiercest hostilities and restore operation of the grids immediately after obtaining permission from them. 


* considering that some customers had electricity restored to them on dozens of occasions.