Main News Press Releases DTEK Donetsk Grids has installed 6 artificial nesting platforms for storks in 2020

DTEK Donetsk Grids has installed 6 artificial nesting platforms for storks in 2020

Thermal power generation16 December 2020
DTEK Donetsk Grids has installed six artificial nesting platforms for storks across the region in 2020. Such platforms preserve existing nests, and hence they save white storks from electrocution. Moreover, they improve the power supply reliability and help to avoid emergencies and power outages.
DTEK Donetsk Grids has installed 6 artificial nesting platforms for storks in 2020

Storks often build their homes on power poles. This poses a risk to both birds and the proper functioning of the electricity system. DTEK's stork protection project is a part of our global sustainable development policy and contribution to the UN Global Compact in terms of preserving biodiversity.

DTEK Donetsk Grids cares about biodiversity conservation and environmental protection in the region. Our engineers installed the first nesting platform for storks in the village of Vostochnuy of the Slaviansk District five years ago”, says Aleksii Degtiarev, DTEL Donetsk Grids CEO. “This year, we have installed such platforms in the villages of Nikiforovka, Privolye, Shakhovo, Andreevka, and Constantinople. Special design not only protects rare and endangered birds listed in the Ukraine’s Red Book from death, but also to protect power lines from accidents”.

The nesting platform is basket-shaped made of metal rods. With such platforms, the nest is one meter above the power pole, and withholds the weight of both the nests itself and the birds. Thus, heavy nests, sometimes weighing between 250 and 300 kg, do not slide onto the cables. Birds are protected from shock, and lines from short circuits and emergency blackouts. The nesting platforms could be installed in autumn and winter, when storks immigrate to warm countries. We are looking for new nesting sites during our annual line inspections, and both birdwatchers and locals help us.

DTEK Donetsk Grids has been implementing the bird safety program since 2013. We have installed 14 nesting platforms for storks, and more than 100 bird diverters.

A brief video of how a nest platform for storks is installed in the village of Nikiforovka is here.