Main News Press Releases DTEK Donetsk Grids to restore the operation of 150 transformer substations, de-energized after a night thunderstorm in Mariupol

DTEK Donetsk Grids to restore the operation of 150 transformer substations, de-energized after a night thunderstorm in Mariupol

Thunderstorms, rainstorms, and strong winds in Mariupol at night caused disconnection of 150 transformer substations in the Central, Primorsky, Kalmiussky, and Levoberezhny districts. DTEK Donetsk Grids emergency teams have been put on high alert to restore power supply for 8,500 customers as quickly as possible.
DTEK Donetsk Grids to restore the operation of 150 transformer substations, de-energized after a night thunderstorm in Mariupol

During the night, the company's energy workers restored the operation of 7 transformer substations that supply power to 2,000 customers. It was quite challenging to do the emergency recovery work because of thunderstorms, hail, and downpour, which lasted all night with short breaks. In such conditions, our energy workers could not complete some of the work because of life and health hazards.

DTEK serves the Ukraine’s interests, takes care of its customers and does everything to ensure that their homes always have lights on and comfort. 11 repair teams and 13 pieces of equipment are involved in emergency recovery work. Our energy workers are making every effort to restore the power supply to 8,500 residents of Mariupol as quickly as possible,” says Oleksiy Degtyarev, CEO of DTEK Donetsk Grids.

The recovery will continue until the power supply is fully restored.

The adverse weather will be hitting Mariupol on June 17. According to forecasters, a thunderstorm, and a strong wind of 15-20 m/s (hazard level 1, yellow) are expected.

DTEK Donetsk Grids reminds of the need to comply with electrical safety rules:

  • In case of strong wind, you should not be near power lines;
  • Do not approach the broken wire closer than 8-12 meters and in no case touch it;
  • If you see wires that have fallen to the ground, broken or sagging wires, open doors and hatches of electrical installations, as well as damaged poles, please notify our call center at (0629) 450 473, (093/096/099) 4500473, or sent a message through our Facebook;

Take care of your life and health!