Over the course of a month, DTEK energy workers have restored electricity to more than 300,000 families in the Kyiv region

During the month, there were 443 power outages on the grid in the Kyiv region. The main causes were worsening of weather conditions that led to falling of trees on the power lines, equipment wear and process violations (overloads, actions of third parties, etc.). DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids emergency and repair crews have restored power to 322,141 families.
In July, DTEK specialists began conducting scheduled maintenance works on the grids in order to ensure reliable and quality power supply. During scheduled activities related to preparation of the grids to the autumn-winter period, energy workers eliminate discovered defects on equipment and clear power lines from green spaces.
By the end of the year, specialists will repair about 700 kilometers of lines and upgrade 80 power facilities. Additionally, specialists will clear over 3,000 kilometers of overhead lines from green spaces. These activities will allow reinforcing the grids and, thus, reduce number of power outages that leave Ukrainians without electricity for an undefined period.
The company uses all financial and technical resources that it owes to the stimulating RAB regulation to prepare for the difficult 2022-2023 autumn-winter period. It is a big job for companies’ energy workers and our contribution to the stable 2022-2023 autumn-winter period.
Let us remind that since the beginning of war, DTEK energy workers do not stop working in order to maintain stable operation of the grids. The company has already invested over 300 million hryvnas in restoration of electricity to residents of the Kyiv region immediately after liberation from the occupants. Second stage of grids restoration – restoration of the backup power supply will require investing another UAH 600-700 mln in perspective of 2022-2023. It will help ensure reliable power supply of towns and villages, similar to the one prior to hostilities.
The company needs aid from government and international partners in the amount of about 1 billion hryvnas in order to fully restore infrastructure of the grids and develop it in accordance with the plan and needs of residents of the region
As informed earlier, there were 753 power outages on the grid in the Kyiv region in July. Company’s specialists have restored electricity to more than 300,000 residents of the Kyiv region that were temporarily left without power supply.