Main News Press Releases For the convenience of customers: DTEK Donetsk Grids work schedule during the New Year holidays

For the convenience of customers: DTEK Donetsk Grids work schedule during the New Year holidays

Thermal power generation28 December 2020
Holiday season is ahead. Moreover, it is the time to give your electricity meter readings. DTEK Donetsk Grids cares about its customers and employees, and encourages customers to make the most of remote services in a pandemic. The company will provide a full range of services during the New Year holidays.

DTEK serves the interests of Ukraine. For the convenience and safety of customers amid the pandemic, DTEK Donetsk Grids has introduced convenient online services using which you can transmit readings, check if your address is on the list for routine maintenance or emergency outages, or ask any question regarding distribution services. The company encourages customers to make the most of the remote services provided by DTEK Donetsk Grids. Remote services are available 24/7 during holidays.

There are four convenient ways to submit your electricity readings:

  • Your account;
  • Official Facebook page.
  • Call Center at +38 (096) 450 0 473; +38 (099) 450 0 473; (0629) 450 473. You can give the readings here in automatic mode, following the voice prompts.
  • Company website, Submit your Readings – no registration required.

Readme: Meter readings should be submitted between two last days and first three days of each month to ensure accurate electricity bills. If customers do not submit readings, the calculation is based on the average monthly consumption.

A short guide on how to find your address in the list of routine maintenance and emergency outages on the company website can be found here.

In addition, there are the following services available through DTEK Donetsk Grids website:

Having received your request through any of the communication channels, our employees will provide you with the necessary advice and provide information on how to request and receive the service.

Save your time, and take care!