Main News Press Releases DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids replaced 37,000 electricity meters in 2021

DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids replaced 37,000 electricity meters in 2021

Thermal power generation20 January 2022
In 2021, DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids replaced 37,000 obsolete electricity meters for its customers. New electronic devices have better electricity metering accuracy. The company envisaged such meter replacement in the investment program.
DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids replaced 37,000 electricity meters in 2021

DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids improves the accuracy of electricity metering thanks to new electronic meters. They replaced the old electromechanical meters, which have expired their lifetime. The new meters have a service life of about 16 years. The company could invest into the installation of such new electricity meters thanks to the incentive RAB tariffs introduced in 2021. Thus, the company could increase their investment program by 112% compared to 2020 to UAH 725 million.

"DTEK is a responsible, and reliable company. We are significantly improving the quality of electricity metering in the Kyiv region thanks to these new electronic meters. Our customers get these meters for free because every year we earmark some funds for this purpose in the company's investment program," says Vitaliy Shaida, Head of DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids.

A company's energy workers are to coordinate time of meter installation beforehand. They should wear branded overalls of gray-yellow color with the company logo and show their official IDs at the customer's request. The plan for the electricity meters replacement is published on the DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids website in the section All about electricity meters/Installation of meters for customers under the investment program.

It is quite easy to take your readings from these new meters: all you need to do is to write down all the numbers on the display to the point. It takes just a few minutes to report this reading to the company using the DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids remote services:

  • Merezhi Online mobile app (available in the AppStoreand Google Play Market);
  • Web form on the website, no registration required. Please, choose your area, specify the customer account number, the number of zones on your meter;
  • Online customer account on the DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids website;
  • Viberor Telegram Search by DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids;
  • Voice Menu to submit readings automatically. Call (044) 459-07-40, (067) 495-70-40, (093) 495-70-40 or (099) 495-70-40 and hit 2. Then follow the voice prompts to report your readings successfully;

Readme: meter readings should be reported between the 1st and the 3rd day of each month. Thus, the company will be in a position to generate accurate consumption for a calendar month, and the supplier to issue accurate electricity bills. If customers do not submit their readings on time, then their bills will contain an average monthly consumption.