DTEK Grids Distribution System Operators invest almost 4 billion hryvnas in upgrade of the grids

“Distribution System Operators continue to do everything needed to ensure reliable and quality power supply. In 2024, overall volume of investment programs is planned at the level of almost 4 billion hryvnas. Thanks to the construction of new lines, substations and modernization of the existing ones, we reduce number of emergencies and ensure stable operation of the grids for our customers,” – noted Oleksandr Fomenko, CEO at DTEK Grids.
In particular, DTEK Kyiv Grids plans to reconstruct 4 large high-voltage substations, replacing power transformers and modernizing switchgears in them. Modernization of these facilities alone will directly improve reliability of power supply to more than 73,000 families in Sviatoshynskyi, Holosiivskyi and Solomianskyi districts.
This year, DTEK Kyiv Regional Grids will commence construction of a new cable line that will provide backup power supply for 7 substations. This and reconstruction of a high-voltage substation will provide an opportunity to reduce duration of outages in case of emergencies for more than 17,000 families in the Obukhiv district.
Within the framework of an investment program, DTEK Odesa Grids continues reconstruction of three 110 kV high-voltage substations. This will reduce the risk of emergencies for 110,000 customers and 20 socially important facilities, namely 9 boiler houses, 6 hospitals and 5 water supply and disposal facilities.
This year, specialists of DTEK Dnipro Grids will conduct restoration activities on one of the joint substations in Dnipro with division by sections. This will allow efficient use of existing transformers, thus ensuring reliable power supply to more than 15,000 families and industrial facilities of the city, as well as creating power reserve for connection of new customers.
DTEK Grids DSO make every effort to provide Ukrainians with an opportunity to live a normal life, stay in touch with their families and support the country in the difficult conditions of martial law.