Main News Press Releases Reliable power supply to DTEK Grids' clients during quarantine: 4 million remote consultations and 47 thousand eliminated accidents

Reliable power supply to DTEK Grids' clients during quarantine: 4 million remote consultations and 47 thousand eliminated accidents

Thermal power generation23 November 2020
For 7 months of quarantine in Odesa, Dnipropetrovsk, Kyiv, and Donetsk Regions and in the city of Kyiv, the distribution system operators, which are part of the DTEK Grids operating holding, gave consultations and fulfilled 4.4 million requests submitted by the clients. We also eliminated 47.5 thousand accidents at power systems. Emergency teams and contact centers of the company work 24/7, so that our clients feel comfortable in quarantine, and the power supply is uninterrupted.
Reliable power supply to DTEK Grids' clients during quarantine: 4 million remote consultations and 47 thousand eliminated accidents

DTEK takes care of its clients. Power grids are the infrastructure that is the foundation of all areas of modern human life. Therefore, it is imperative that this infrastructure operates reliably and stably 24/7, even under quarantine conditions,” says Ivan Geliukh, DTEK Grids CEO.

During the pandemic, the DSO specialists of DTEK Grids holding (DTEK Kyiv Grids, DTEK Dnipro Grids, DTEK Donetsk Grids, DTEK Odesa Grids and DTEK Kyiv Region Grids) eliminated 47.5 thousand accidents within the territory of the DTEK Grids DSOs licensed activities, i.e. in Kyiv, Kyiv Region, Dnipro and Dnipropetrovsk Region, Donetsk Region, Odesa and Odesa Region, where 13 million people live and work.

In 7 months of quarantine, DTEK Grids DSOs’ clients submitted 4.4 million requests. The company received 90% of them through remote service channels. The most popular among our clients is the telephone - we received 3.7 million phone calls. Customer Service Centers run second - consumers visited the centers 427 thousand times. In addition, the clients of the DTEK Grids Distribution System Operators emailed us 127 thousand times, submitted 83 thousand requests through websites, their accounts and instant messengers, and sent 75 thousand messages on Facebook.

We are developing online services for our clients. Quarantine has become an added incentive for us to develop remote customer service channels. For example, we launched a mobile application "Merezhi Online" (Grids Online) in Kyiv region, using which clients can transmit meter readings, report a malfunction or an accident, and another service, a request for connection to networks, is coming soon," Ivan Geliukh noted.