Main News Press Releases It is now easier to learn about scheduled outages: DTEK Donetsk Grids expanded communication channels for condominiums

It is now easier to learn about scheduled outages: DTEK Donetsk Grids expanded communication channels for condominiums

Thermal power generation12 November 2021

DTEK Donetsk Grids has created an operational channel to inform heads of condominiums about the scheduled maintenances planned by the company that entail a power outage. To date, 162 condominiums in Mariupol and Kramatorsk are using the DTEK info DEM communication channel in Viber.

“DTEK strives to become the benchmark for customer focus and implements European service standards. We work every day to make our service convenient and customer oriented. Therefore, we invite the heads of condominiums, and there are over 700 of them in Mariupol and Kramatorsk, to join the DTEK info DEM communication channel. Through this channel, you will receive information daily about our scheduled work and inform the residents of condominiums about it,” says Oleksii Degtyarev, General Director for DTEK Donetsk Grids.

To start using the communication channel, you need to search by “ДТЕК info ДЕМ” (DTEK info DEM) in Viber and register in the group for prompt information sharing with the heads of condominiums. There you will find the following information:

  • Scheduled work for a month;
  • Scheduled work for the next day;

The charts indicate the maximum outage time that is required to do the maintenance. But the company's teams are trying to get the job done as soon as possible and minimize any discomfort for customers.

Let us recall that you can also find out about scheduled power outages and check if your address is in the list of buildings where the company plans to do the maintenance in the Scheduled outages section on the company's website. If your address is not in the list, then a blackout may have occurred.

Moreover, you can find out about planned outages and report a failure using Viber or Telegram chatbot, DM on the DTEK Donetsk Grids Facebook page, as well as by calling the call center +38 (093/096/099) 450 0 473, (0629) 450 473.