Main News Press Releases Mariupol residents to receive over 700 smart meters for free in 2021

Mariupol residents to receive over 700 smart meters for free in 2021

DTEK Donetsk Grids will replace 743 old electricity meters with new smart ones in Mariupol during 2021. The company develops a modern infrastructure for Smart Grid using such metering devices. Customers, in turn, will receive meters for free, which save money and automatically send electricity consumption readings to the distribution system operator (DSO).
Mariupol residents to receive over 700 smart meters for free in 2021

DTEK is transforming the business, introducing high-level service standards. Thanks to smart meters, residents of Mariupol will receive a more convenient service. Firstly, such devices are already setup for day/night metering. This means that you pay 50% less for the electricity consumed at night. Secondly, they automatically send consumption readings to the DSO through the connected communication channels. And the customer does not need to do it himself every month,” says Oleksii Degtyarev, CEO of DTEK Donetsk Grids.

In 2021, new metering devices will be installed in houses at 108, 110, 112, 114 on Peremohy Avenue, and 77, 79, Olympic Street. All smart meters are networked. The information received from them is accumulated and centrally processed. Today, data on the volume of electricity consumption is mainly analyzed. In the future, as the Smart Grid is deployed, with the help of such meters, the company will receive information about the state of the network, the quality of power supply and will be able to see more precisely where the accident occurred and the customer needs the help of the emergency team.

The replacement of electricity meters in the homes of Mariupol residents will take place systematically throughout the year. Before the installation, DTEK Donetsk Grids workers will inform the residents in advance. They place notifications near the entrances, where they indicate the date of work and the contact phone number of a company responsible person. The workers wearing branded overalls of gray-yellow color with the logo of the company will do the work. At the request of the customer, they are to present corporate IDs.

Let us recall, in 2021, DTEK Donetsk Grids launched chatbots in Viber and Telegram. This is a virtual digital assistant that helps to automatically receive the required information 24/7. Using the chatbot, the company's customers can report emergency situations, send meter readings, and get answers to frequently asked questions.